Septic Preservation Services

Overboard Discharge Service by Septic Preservation Services

Septic Preservation Services Septic Preservation Services is the only statewide contractor on the Wastewater Treatment Plants Certified Maintenance Contractors list provided by the Maine Department of Environmental Protection.  This means that we are the only contractor statewide that can service mechanical OBDs.  As stated on the Maine Department of Environmental Protection website:


“An overboard discharge (OBD) is a discharge to surface waters of the State of domestic pollutants (sanitary wastes or wastewater from household activities generated at residential or commercial locations) that are not conveyed to municipal or quasi-municipal sewerage treatment facilities.  The vast majority of OBDs in Maine are associated with residential dwellings and small commercial operations along the coast.”


For more information see:


We have overboard discharge service and overboard discharge repair appointments today in Freeport, Harpswell, Brunswick, Orr’s Island, Bailey Island, Phippsburg, Peak’s Island, and Portland, ME.  If you need to arrange an OBD service or an OBD repair please do contact our office at 877-378-4279 or visit