
Septic System Inspections In Maine To Prevent Septic Problems

 Septic Preservation Services has extensive experience working in the septic industry in Maine providing septic services including septic repairs, septic system inspections, OBD services and repairs and septic remediation. As you would expect many of our customers live in remote parts of the state, sometimes on islands or remote locations. However a large number of our customers also live in towns and are still not connected to a town sewer but have an individual septic system instead to process their wastewater. When these systems are working correctly they are a safe and environmentally efficient way to process a property’s waste. However failing systems can:

  • cause a serious health threat to your family and neighbors,
  • degrade the environment, especially lakes, streams and groundwater,
  • reduce the value of your property,
  • be very expensive to repair,
  • and put thousands of water supply users at risk if you live in a public water supply watershed and fail to maintain your system.

If you have a septic system servicing your property it is always wise to be alert to warning signs of a failing system which can include:

  • sewage surfacing over the drainfield (especially after storms),
  • sewage back-ups in the house,
  • lush, green growth over the drainfield,
  • slow draining toilets or drains,

We are carrying a septic system inspection today for a customer in Biddeford, Maine who wants to know that their system is operating correctly. We have other septic system inspections today for customers in Cape Elizabeth, Arundel, Old Orchard Beach, Kennebunk Port, Kennebunk and Alfred Maine. If you require a septic inspection, for any reason, or if you have a concern about your septic system please do contact hesitate to contact us on 877-378-4279 or visit Septic Preservation Services

Septic System Remediation in Maine

Septic Preservation Services has septic system remediation scheduled for customers today in Hebron, Turner, West Paris, Poland, Harrison and Lewiston Maine today. We are regularly contacted by customers in Maine who have a septic system servicing their property because they are not on town sewer and think they have a problem with their system but do not know what is causing the issue or how to fix it. We will therefore come out to your property and assess the condition of your septic system and then we will endeavour to we present the customer with a range of options designed to correct any identified issues in an environmentally conscious way. These may include one or more of the following:

  • Replacement of damaged or missing baffle
  • Installation of effluent filter and service riser
  • Installation of pumping access riser and cover
  • Installation of curtain drains
  • Replacement of deteriorated components
  • Repair or replacement of damaged components
  • Removal of accumulated solids in leach field piping
  • Removal of plant and tree roots in leach field piping
  • Installation and service of the White Knight™ Microbial Inoculator/Generator
  • Diversion of water softener/conditioner backwash discharges
  • Detailed explanation of our Septic Use Guidelines

If you require septic system remediation and repair or have any questions about your septic system please do contact our office on 877-378-4279 or visit Septic Preservation Services

design and installation

Leach Field Repair with the Installation of a White Knight™ Microbial Inoculator/Generator

Septic Preservation Services have been contacted by a property owner in Sharon MA who has a leach field problem which has been caused by it becoming clogged with the excessive amount of organic matter that has been passed to it from their septic. We will repair their leach field without needing to replace it with the installation of a White Knight™ Microbial Inoculator/Generator.

In nature, oxygen-using (aerobic) bacteria in the soil consume non-living organic material. This is the process nature uses to “recycle” wastes. We install the White Knight™ Microbial Inoculator/Generator in the septic tank to create an oxygen rich environment and cultivate an extensive colony of these same soil bacteria.

The result is nearly complete consumption of the organic materials entering the septic tank. At the same time, the bacteria are carried into the leach field where they consume the organic material that has accumulated in the underlying soil. The leach field regains and/or maintains its capacity to deliver effluent to the soil for purification.

The White Knight™ Microbial Inoculator/Generator includes:

  • An installation costs thousands of dollars less than that of a replacement leach field
  • Minimal disruption to existing landscape
  • Protection of the environment
  • Significantly longer tank pumping interval
  • Conservation of natural resources
  • 100% component and limited lifetime performance warranty

We have other septic repairs scheduled today in Norton, Mansfield, Stoughton, Canton and Foxboro MA.

If you want to have a White Knight Septic Installation, need a septic repair or if you have any questions please do contact our Norton office on 877-378-4279 or visit Septic Preservation Services

Septic System Remediation in Maine

Septic Preservation Services have extensive experience with septic system remediation. Septic Preservation Services can provide remediation for your septic system using the most financially efficient and environmentally responsible methods available. Whenever possible our goal is to provide our customers with options that will yield high-quality results at a cost-effective price. We value each and every customer and appreciate your business – no matter how big or small the job. Today we are providing septic system remediation at customer locations in Readfield, Farmington, Wales, Jay Winthrop and Windsor ME. If you require septic system remediation or if you have any questions about our services or septic systems please do contact our office on 877-378-4279 or visit https://www.septicpreservation.com

Leach Field Repair With White Knight System

Septic Preservation Services were contacted by a customer in Acushnet who had noticed sewage smells and damp patches in their backyard so were concerned that they may have a septic problem. Further discussion revealed that they had noticed slow drains and much greener grass in their backyard for a while but had not realized that these are also signs of a septic problem. The reason for their leach field failure is biological clogging. This is the development of a biomat beneath the leachfield that eventually prevents the liquid or effluent from entering the underlying soil. This biomat is a combination of fine organic solids that have been carried out of the septic tank and the remnants of anaerobic bacteria. These bacteria originate in the human intestinal tract and enter the septic system with the waste products. 95% of all leach field failures are biological. We will repair their leach field by installing the White Knight system. The White Knight system creates an aerobic environment within the septic system and provides a large surface area for the growth of a specialized bacterial colony. As the bacteria multiply, they consume the organic material coming into the septic tank. At the same time, a great many of these bacteria are carried into the leach field and begin to consume the organic material that is clogging the soil. As a result, the underlying soil begins to regain its porosity, which in turn allows the effluent to pass through. After installation our client will have to discontinue use of a garbage disposal system, refrain from introducing any harsh chemicals into the septic system, use liquid detergents for washing dishes and clothes, refrain from flushing any and all non-organic products down the drains, refrain from the heavy use of bleach products and refrain from flushing paper towels or wipes down the drains. If they do their their leach field will remain operating correctly. We also have other septic repairs scheduled today in Mattapoisett, New Bedford, Fairhaven and Fall River MA. If you have concerns that your septic system is not working correctly or wish to schedule a septic repair please do contact our Norton office on 877-378-4279 or visit www.septicpreservation.com

Remediation Of Septic Systems Provided to Rhode Island Customers

Septic Preservation Services has remediation of septic systems scheduled for customers in Smithfield, Lincoln, Glocester, Foster and Scituate RI. We are regularly contacted by customers in Rhode Island who have a septic system servicing their property because they are not on town sewer and think they have a problem with their system but do not know what is causing the issue or how to fix it. We will therefore come out to your property and assess the condition of your septic system and then we will endeavour to present you with a range of options designed to correct any identified issues. These may include one or more of the following:

  • Replacement of damaged or missing baffle
  • Installation of effluent filter and service riser
  • Installation of pumping access riser and cover
  • Installation of curtain drains
  • Replacement of deteriorated components
  • Repair or replacement of damaged components
  • Removal of accumulated solids in leach field piping
  • Removal of plant and tree roots in leach field piping
  • Installation and service of the White Knight™ Microbial Inoculator/Generator
  • Diversion of water softener/conditioner backwash discharges
  • Detailed explanation of our Septic Use Guidelines

If you require septic system remediation and repair or have any questions about your septic system please do contact our office on 877-378-4279 or visit https://www.septicpreservation.com

Septic Tank Entry Required For Inlet and Outlet Tee Installation

Septic Preservation Services are installing inlet and outlet tees for a customer in Rowley MA today. This will require septic tank entry which is a very specialized skill that requires specific septic safety training which all of our technicians receive. Our goal is for both our technicians and the customers to be safe while they are working at client locations. We have the specific equipment required for a septic tank entry to keep our technicians safe and our technicians are trained to use it correctly. This enables them to to do the task that is required in a safe and proficient manner, in this case installation of inlet and outlet tees. We have other septic repairs, improvements and adjustments scheduled today in Boxford, Middleton, North Reading and Lynnfield MA today. If you require septic work or if you have any questions about your septic system please do not hesitate to contact us on 877-378-4279 or visit www.septicpreservation.com

Septic System Remediation and Repairs in Maine

Septic Preservation Services has septic system remediation scheduled for customers in Hebron, Turner, West Paris, Poland, Harrison and Lewiston Maine. We are regularly contacted by customers in Maine who have a septic system servicing their property because they are not on town sewer and think they have a problem with their system but do not know what is causing the issue or how to fix it. We will therefore come out to your property and assess the condition of your septic system and then will endeavour to present the customer with a range of options designed to correct any identified issues. These may include one or more of the following:

  • Replacement of damaged or missing baffle
  • Installation of effluent filter and service riser
  • Installation of pumping access riser and cover
  • Installation of curtain drains
  • Replacement of deteriorated components
  • Repair or replacement of damaged components
  • Removal of accumulated solids in leach field piping
  • Removal of plant and tree roots in leach field piping
  • Installation and service of the White Knight™ Microbial Inoculator/Generator
  • Diversion of water softener/conditioner backwash discharges
  • Detailed explanation of our Septic Use Guidelines

If you require septic system remediation and repair please do contact our office on 877-378-4279 or visit https://www.septicpreservation.com

Septic System Remediation With Septic Systems, Equipment And Processes Which Ensure The Environment Is Protected And Repaired

Septic Preservation Services has built a reputation in the septic system industry for septic system remediation which means that we not only successfully repair septic systems but do so with septic systems, equipment and processes which ensure that the environment is protected and repaired. When we are contacted to do a septic system repair once we have assessed the condition of your septic system, we will present you with a range of options designed to correct any identified issues. These may include one or more of the following:

Replacement of damaged or missing baffle
Installation of effluent filter and service riser
Installation of pumping access riser and cover
Installation of curtain drains
Replacement of deteriorated components
Repair or replacement of damaged components
Removal of accumulated solids in leach field piping
Removal of plant and tree roots in leach field piping
Installation and service of the White Knight™ Microbial Inoculator/Generator
Diversion of water softener/conditioner backwash discharges
Detailed explanation of our Septic Use Guidelines

We want to provide a septic repair that will not only solve your septic problem but also repair the cause of your septic issues in an environmentally conscious manner. Today we have septic system repair appointments in Pittston, Whitefield, Gardiner, Alna, Richmond and Friendship ME . If you have any questions about septic system remediation or septic repairs please do contact our office on 877-348-4279 or visit www.septicpreservation.com


Septic Preservation Services Are Available for Your Septic Needs In Maine

Septic Preservation Services is licensed to inspect, install, repair, design and update septic systems in the following Maine cities and towns:

Bailey Island
Bar Mills
Bedford, NH
Cape Elizabeth
Cape Neddick
Kennebunk Port
Kittery Point
Lisbon Falls
North Berwick
North Bridgton
North Yarmouth
Old Orchard Beach
Orr’s Island
Owls Head
Peaks Island
Post Mills
Richmond, NH
Rochester, NH
Round Pond
Stratham, NH
Tennants Harbor
West Kennebunk
West Bath
West Kennebunk
Westport Island
West Newfield
West Paris

From our Biddeford, Maine Office our qualified technicians are available to attend to your septic needs on short notice. Today we have septic inspections and septic repairs scheduled in Belfast, Hermon, Islesboro, Palmero, Whitfield and Windsor ME. If you require septic assistance or have any questions please do contact us on   877-378-4279 or visit www.septicpreservation.com  and we will be happy to help.