Overboard Discharge Services by Septic Preservation Services
Septic Preservation Services has Overboard Discharge (OBD) Services scheduled in Islesboro, Belfast, Belmont, Waldoboro, Friendship, Owl’s Head, Hermon, and Alna, ME today. It is always advisable to have your septic system serviced and well maintained to ensure it is working correctly and to extend its ‘life’. Septic Preservation Services is the only Statewide contractor on the OBD Service contractor list provided by the Maine Department of Environmental Protection. For more information see http://www.maine.gov/dep/water/wd/OBD. If you need more information or you need to schedule an overboard discharge (OBD) service or overboard discharge (OBD) repair please contact our office at 877-378-4279 or visit www.septicpreservation.com