A Properly Maintained Septic System Should Only Need A Septic Pump Out Every 2-5 years
Septic Preservation Services know that having the correct information about septic system maintenance enables clients to make good choices to ensure that their septic system remains working correctly for many years. We have been told that some pumping services will unbelievably tell you that you need to get your septic system pumped every 6 months or on an annual basis. The truth is that a properly maintained septic system should only be pumped every 2-5 years, as needed, to avoid removing the “good” bacteria and keep the system running smoothly. You will, however, need to have your system pumped annually if you have, and use, a garbage disposal because this will dramatically increase your pump out requirements. Today we have septic pump out scheduled for customers in Cranston, Coventry, North Kingstown, Exeter and Scituate RI. If it has been over three years since you had your septic tank pumped, give Septic Preservation Services a call on 877-378-4279 for an evaluation and to set up quick and easy pumping arrangements.