Septic Pump Repair in Norwell Massachusetts
Septic Preservation Services are repairing a septic pump for a customer today in Norwell MA. The septic pump, as with all diaphragm operated air pumps, will eventually have wear on the diaphragm so we can repair the pump which will extend the life of the pump and cost significantly less than replacing the entire pump, which is not usually necessary. We have, in stock, many types and size of septic pump including Blue Diamond, HiBlow and Fuji Clean and their associated rebuild kits so you will not usually have to wait for the parts to be ordered. We also have other septic repairs scheduled today in Hanover, Hanson, Halifax, Marshfield and Norton MA. If you require a septic repair or if you have any questions about your septic system please do contact our Norton office on 877-378-4279 or visit