Septic Repairs Can Often Be Avoided By Using Your System Correctly
Septic Preservation Services know that septic systems have to be used correctly for them to continue to work efficiently and function as they should. A large part of this is is just knowing what is being introduced to your septic system and making sure that anything that goes into it is appropriate and wont adversely affect your system. All wastewater makes its way to your septic system and everything that goes into your sink, toilet, washing machine and shower/bath will also get introduced into your septic system. Keep the following items out of your septic system to prevent problems:
- paper towels
- kitty litter
- plastics
- cooking oils or grease
- disposable diapers
- feminine hygiene products
- any/all latex products
- hazardous chemicals, pesticides and latex-based paints
- water purification back flush
It is important to note, however, that each system is unique. Check with your septic system installer or manufacturer for a complete list of items that should not make their way into your system for maximum efficiency. There are also many other things that should stay out of your system and there is no way that we can list all of the items. We have found toys, dead fish, clothing and jewelry in septic systems and all of these items were causing a problem that led to us investigating the cause. Simply put if you are not sure do not put it in your wastewater. We have septic repairs scheduled today in Carver, Middleboro, Bourne, Marion and Rochester today. One of these repairs is necessary because the homeowner was unaware of the large volume of sand that was being introduced to their septic system via the washing machine and shower by their teenage children. It is wise to make sure that your entire family and visitors know that you have a septic system and there are certain, easily followed guidelines to follow to make sure you do not require a septic repair from our talented technicians. If however you do suspect that you require a septic repair or if you have any questions about septic systems please do contact our Norton office on 877-378-4279 or visit the Septic Preservation Services website.