Septic Preservation Services

Septic Repairs in Maine Today

Septic Preservation Services Septic Preservation Services has septic repairs scheduled in Winslow, Palermo, Waldoboro, Union, Owl’s Head, Alna, Islesboro, and Turner, Maine.  There are many signs that you may have a septic problem and a septic repair may be necessary. These include:



  • Issues in your Home


– Backup of sewage in your drains or toilets – this can often be a black type liquid with a disagreeable odor.

– Decreased flushing of your toilets

– Decreased drain flow from showers and sinks

– Unpleasant odors in your home


  • Issues with your Tank


Overflowing or near overflowing septic tank

High solids accumulation in the septic tank


  • Issues with the Leach-Field and Surrounding Environment


Water accumulating / wet patches in the leach field

Lush green grass throughout the year, especially if the surrounding garden is significantly different

Presence of contamination (e.g. nitrates, bacteria) in your well water is potentially a major health hazard and is a very clear indication that your septic system is not performing adequately

Accumulation of algae and aquatic weeds in adjacent lakes, ponds,and  streams is a clear indication that your septic system is not performing correctly and contaminants / nutrients are migrating from your septic system.
If you have concerns that your septic system is not working correctly and need to schedule a septic repair or if you have any questions please do contact our office at 8777-378-4279 or visit