Do You Know Why A D-Box Replacement Is Essential If Yours Is Not Working Correctly?
Septic Preservation Services know that most people would not know what all the parts of a septic system are, let alone what they do, even if they have a septic system servicing their own property. And that is perfectly normal, especially if you have a company such as Septic Preservation Services to rely upon to give you septic support when you need it. Today we have a D-Box replacement scheduled for a customer in Hingham MA. This is an essential septic repair because your D-Box is a very important part of your septic system. The D-Box is not there to support an A, B and C Box as we have been asked before. D-Box stands for ‘Distribution Box’ and does exactly what you might expect. The distribution box is a component of the leach field system. The job of the distribution box is to evenly distribute the wastewater into the leach field (also known as the drain field). How does the septic distribution box work? Gravity plays a major role in helping the distribution box do its job. The water flows downhill where the distribution box is placed. This allows the water to flow into the box from the septic tank and then onto the leach field. Once the wastewater flows out of the septic tank it will move into the septic distribution box and out to the leach field lines. The size and shape of the box depends on the type of septic tank you have. A distribution box is most commonly made out of concrete or plastic and has several openings for the leach field lines where the wastewater can flow out. The distribution box is a major part of the septic system and it being able to function properly is very important. If the distribution box isn’t working correctly you will soon be dealing with leach field failure. Distribution boxes are most often worn down by time due to weather, like flooding and freezing, and improper care of the septic system. We will be able to provide a D-box replacement for our client before it caused any lasting damage to their leach field. We also have other septic repairs scheduled today in Hingham, Norwell, Scituate, Marshfield, Hanover and Hanson MA. If you require a D-Box replacement or septic repair or if you have any questions about your septic system please do contact our Norton office on 877 378 4279 or visit Septic Preservation Services