Title 5 Septic Inspections
Septic Preservation Services has Title 5 Septic Inspections scheduled today in Rowley, Boxford, Groveland, Lynnfield, and Middleton, MA. Since 1995, Title 5 Septic Inspections have been required in Massachusetts. You need an onsite septic inspection for the following reasons in general:
- When properties are sold, divided or combined.
- When there is a change in use or an expansion of a facility.
- When MassDEP or the local Board of Health requires an inspection.
- Title 5 requires inspections for large systems, shared systems, and condominiums on a periodic basis.
- Systems located in cities and towns with MassDEP-approved inspection programs are required to comply with local inspection requirements.
There are exceptions and nuances to the general requirements listed here. For example, no inspection is required if the owner has signed an enforceable agreement with the Board of Health to upgrade the system, connect to a sanitary sewer, or connect to a shared system within two years. For more information, contact your local board of health or see the official website for the executive office of energy and environmental affairs for Massachusetts.
If you need to schedule a Title 5 Septic Inspection or if you have any questions, please do contact our Norton, MA office at 877-378-4279 or visit www.septicpreservation.com