Septic Preservation Services

Septic Repairs by Septic Preservation

Septic Preservation Services Septic Preservation Services has septic repairs scheduled in Kittery, Kittery Point, Berwick, North Berwick, Wells, Lebanon and Alfred, ME, and Rochester, NH today.  We have extensive experience locating the causes of a septic problems and then suggesting a course of action to fix the issues.  Septic repairs and failures, if addressed quickly, do not need to be large or expensive repairs, but if a problem is left unresolved, it can develop into a more significant and costly repair.  If you have noticed signs that you may have a septic problem such as sewage smells in your home, drains backing up, slow flowing drains, puddling in your yard, sewage smells in your yard or very green, lush growth over your leach field, unlike the rest of your yard, please do either call our office to discuss your concerns or to make an appointment for a septic repair.  You can reach us at 877-378-4279 or visit