Septic Preservation Services

Signs You May Need Septic Pumping

Septic Preservation Services Septic Preservation Services has septic pumping scheduled for customers in Hudson, Acton, Wayland, Stow, Maynard, Southborough, and Clinton, MA. Signs that your septic system may need a pump out are, your toilets backing up when there is no apparent reason for it, and sewage smells coming from your plumbing.  If there is overflow by your tank this is also a sign your system needs maintenance.  Some systems even have an alarm which could be a noise or a light to indicate that it is time for septic pumping.  All of these can be signs that a pump out could be necessary and it is  always worth investigating, because you may have a problem or need septic pumping.  Most homeowners with septic systems are aware that their system needs septic cleaning every 3 -5 years, but this can vary depending on various factors including the size of your tank and the water usage.  Please be aware of the signs that your system needs pumping, and if you have any questions, concerns, or need to schedule septic pumping, please do contact our office at 877-378-4279 or visit