Garbage Disposals and Your Septic System
Check out this great video on garbage disposals and your septic system. Visit for all your septic questions. Bob Silva and his team are available for all your septic needs.
Check out this great video on garbage disposals and your septic system. Visit for all your septic questions. Bob Silva and his team are available for all your septic needs.
Garbage Disposals are used in many households, but are they safe to use with your septic system. Good Question!
While many companies that sell garbage disposals will tell you they are fine to use with a septic system, the truth is they really aren’t.
You really shouldn’t be using a garbage disposal with your septic system. The way that the septic system is set up involves a large tank filled with water and the waste from your home. The solid waste settles to the bottom where bacteria go to work breaking it down. Then, there is the water waste layer that has the excess liquid going out to the drain field. Finally, at the top, there is a layer of scum that has built up.
In order to keep your septic system running smoothly, there are many items that should not be flushed or sent down the drains. This includes, diapers, wipes, bleach, harsh chemicals and sanitary products to name a few. The same is true with your garbage disposal. All the fats, grease, and other waste from the disposal are being added to the septic tank which can can cause problems and clogs and prevent it from working correctly.
Basically, you are overloading the waste that is being put into your septic tank and the naturally occurring bacteria will not be able to keep up with breaking it down. If you use a garbage disposal, you should have your tank pumped every year, rather than the normal 3-5 year range. It can wreak havoc with your septic system.
A better idea? Compost. Composting your kitchen waste is much better for your system and environmentally friendly. You can buy a cheap plastic composter or even make your own. Depending on the size, you can add all your kitchen waste as well as leaves and grass and have a great fertilizer ready for your garden or landscaping.
It’s a win win situation for your yard as well as your septic system.
Visit for all your septic system questions. They have a qualified staff ready to help you with all your septic needs from pumping and cleaning to design and installation. Give them a call at 877-378-4279.