Septic Alarm Alerts A Westport Customer To A Malfunction In Their Septic System

Septic Preservation Services’ goal is to provide honest and reliable septic repairs and services to residential and commercial customers all over Massachusetts and Rhode Island. We use state-of-the-art equipment to target the exact source of your septic problems to reduce costs for our customers and minimize downtime. We take great pride in the work that we do and have never been unsuccessful in locating the exact problem through our troubleshooting services. Fast, quality, courteous service is our goal and we will respect both you and your property throughout the duration of our work on your septic system. The equipment we use is designed to keep your system as concealed as possible while reliably repairing it in the most cost effective manner. Today we have technicians investigating a septic alarm in Westport MA. The septic alarm is a small device in our customer’s tank that alerts them to a malfunction (such as a broken pump, a power failure, a leak inside or outside the tank, clogged drain pipes, or freezing within the pipes) within the septic system. We will locate their septic problem and repair their septic system. We are also repairing septic systems in Marion, Acushnet, Mattapoisett and Rochester MA. If you have a septic repair that needs to be done it is wise to not delay. Please do call our office to either make an appointment or to ask any questions that you may have on 877-378-4279 or visit




Maine Septic Inspections Help Property Owners Ensure Their System Is Operating Correctly

Septic Preservation Services wants its customers to know that having an inspection on your septic system keeps you informed of the status of your system. A septic system will not operate indefinitely and will eventually need replacement and will always require maintenance so it is advisable to know the condition of your septic. In this instance ignorance is not bliss and could lead to some unpleasant surprises so having a professional inspect your system could help prevent expensive repairs in the future if you can catch problems before they occur. Today we have septic inspections scheduled in Union, Northport, Islesboro, Belfast, Belmont, Swanville and Waldoboro ME. If you would be interested in a septic inspection or if you have any septic questions please do contact our office on 877-378-4279 or visit



Septic Preservation Services Has Experience With Many Types Of Septic Service Including Singulair, FAST, Sand Filter, FujiClean and Jet System Services

Septic Preservation Services understand that if you have your septic system serviced on a regular basis you are helping ensure that you will not have any unexpected septic system breakdowns which is especially important for our commercial customers with restaurants because a problem with their septic system can have large repercussions to their business. You will also be increasing the longevity of your septic system which can be an expensive item to replace if it fails. We service our septic system clients on a quarterly, biannual or annual basis depending on the septic system and usage. For example a Dunkin Donuts restaurant will require more frequent services that a customer with a summer property on Cape Cod. Today we have septic system services including Singulair Service, FAST Service, Advanced Treatment Unit Service, Sand Filter Service, FujiClean System Service and Jet System Service in Cumberland, North Smithfield, Cranston, Johnston, Lincoln and Smithfield RI. If you are interested in septic services or have any questions please do contact our office on on 877-348-4279 or visit

Septic Preservation Services Conduct Septic Inspections for Condominium in Attleboro

Septic Preservation Services have been working with septic systems for over 25 years in this region. During this time we have built up excellent relationships with our customers, both those with private homes but also commercial properties. Businesses we work with include Cumberland Farms®, Dunkin Donuts®, Shell Oil®, Tedeshi’s®, Xtramart®, and McDonald’s® and we also work with condominium associations and residential communities. These relationships are clearly beneficial for referrals and repeat business. Today we have septic inspections which include an inspection on a condominium in Attleboro, MA. As stated on the Official Website of the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs:

“For a facility comprised of five or more condominium or cooperative units, each system located on the facility shall be inspected at least once every three years instead of at time of transfer of title and all existing systems shall be inspected by December 1, 1996.  For a facility comprised of fewer than five condominium or cooperative units: 1.   each system located on the facility shall be inspected at least once every three years and all existing systems shall be inspected by December 1, 1996, or 2.   at the time of transfer of title of any unit, the system serving that unit shall be inspected in accordance with the time of transfer provisions of 310 CMR 15.301.”

We conduct a septic inspection for this condominium association every 3 years as required by the State of Massachusetts. We do have other Title 5 Inspections today also in Fall River, Swansea, Rehoboth and Seekonk MA. If you require a septic inspection or if you have questions about your septic system please do contact our Norton office on 877-348-4279 or visit

Septic Design Consultation For Norton Property

Septic Preservation Services can’t believe it is December already! We see many homes are starting to put up their lights and decorations and getting ready for the holidays. While it is also pleasant to curl up in front of the fireplace and hibernate until spring it is also a good time of year to start preparation for outdoor work that will be possible once spring comes. Today we have an initial septic design consultation with a client who is starting an addition on their home in Norton MA next year. Our Client needs a new septic system to ensure that their addition will pass state and town codes because they will be adding bedrooms to their property. Their property must have a septic system that will support the additional flow potentially created by an addition including more bedrooms. If you require a septic design or have any questions about septic system design please do contact our office on 877-348-4279 or visit


Septic Preservation Services Identify Septic Adjustments And Septic Improvements

Septic Preservation Services have a vast extent of septic system knowledge and experience which is necessary if you are going to be able to locate and repair septic breakdowns, problems and failures. It is also necessary to have many years of experience working with septic systems to be able to identify septic adjustments and improvements that can be made so your septic system operates more environmentally efficient by processing waste more thoroughly which will also make it more cost effective. Today we are at a customer’s property in Acushnet MA extending their septic system tee and adding a septic filter. We also have septic repairs and septic adjustments for customers in Lakeville, Middleboro, Carver and Freetown MA. If you have a septic problem or believe you need a septic repair please do contact our Norton office where we will be happy to answer any questions and  make an appointment if necessary on 877-348-4279 or visit

Septic Inspections In Massachusetts Consist Of The Collection and Recording Of Information Specified By The Executive Office Of Energy and Environmental Affairs

Septic Preservation Services has Septic Inspections scheduled today in Scituate, Hingham, Hanover, Hanson and Halifax MA. As listed on the Massachusetts Official Website Of The Executive Office Of Energy and Environmental Affairs:

“An inspection shall consist of the collection and recording of the following information:
(a)   a general description of the system components and layout;
(b)   quantification of the source/type of sanitary sewage.  This should include type of use (domestic or commercial/industrial) as well as the design flow and whether or not the facility being served is occupied at the time of the inspection;
(c)   an analysis of the factors set forth in 310 CMR 15.303 (failure criteria) and, if the system has a design flow of 10,000 gpd or greater, 15.304 (threats to public health and environment);
(d)   water use records for the previous two years for facilities served by public water supply, if available from the supplier;
(e)   a description of the septic tank including:
1.   approximate age, size, and condition of the tank;
2.   distance between bottom of grease/scum layer and the bottom of the outlet baffle;
3.   distance between the top of the scum layer and the top of the outlet tee;
4.   thickness of the grease/scum layer;
5.   depth of the sludge layer and distance from sludge to outlet tee;
6.   physical condition of inlet and outlet tees;
7.   any evidence of leakage into or out of tank; and
8.   any evidence of backup of effluent.
9.   a characterization of the distribution box, and of dosing tanks with pumps, if any, including: a.   any evidence of solids carryover; b.   leakage into or out of the distribution box; c.   whether the flow is equally divided; and d.   any evidence of backup.
10.   a description of the condition of the soil absorption system including: a.   any signs of hydraulic failure; b.   condition of surface vegetation; c.   level of ponding within disposal area; d.   encroachments into disposal area; and e.   other sources of hydraulic loading.
11.   the location of private water supply well (if any) in relation to system components; and
12.   a copy of pump-out records on file with the local Approving Authority.”

Septic Preservation Services’s licensed inspectors regularly carry out these septic inspections for our clients. We have a number of licensed inspectors so we can usually schedule an inspection at a time that is convenient to our clients. Many of our customers are in the process of selling their property so they need to be confident in the service that we provide and our professional, punctual and thorough inspections. If you have a questions about septic inspections or if you need to schedule an inspection please do contact our Norton Office on 877-378-4279 or visit

A Leach Field Will Not Operate Correctly If A Driveway Or Parking Lot Is Put On Top Of It

Septic Preservation Services have been contacted by a customer in North Attleboro MA who has a leach field problem. Their home’s leach field has had a driveway installed that covers their leach field. As stated by the Massachusetts Official Website of the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs:

“Impervious areas such as driveways or parking lots restrict air passing through the soils. In addition, the weight of the cars can compact the soil and may break distribution pipes. Lack of oxygen prevents the degradation of the septic tank effluent in the soil, and compaction reduces flow, making the system likely to clog and fail. Soil absorption systems which are placed under driveways are required, by 310 CMR 15.240 (7), to be vented to the atmosphere. Additional standards apply to system components in areas where automobile or other heavy equipment is anticipated.”

Their leach field does not have the venting required and compacting has resulted in the distribution pipes breaking when large heavy vehicles were mistakenly parked on the driveway. Septic Preservation Services have the excavation equipment necessary for this septic repair and have the qualified operators that ensure that the repair is done correctly and with as little disruption as possible. We have other septic repairs scheduled today in Wrentham, Bellingham, Blackstone and Franklin MA. If you require a septic repair or have any questions please do contact our Norton office on on 877-378-4279 or visit

The Health Of Your Septic System Is Improved Through The Addition Of Septic System Bacteria Products

Septic Preservation Services hopes that everyone who took part in the Black Friday sales last week came home with a few bargains and no buyers remorse. Sometimes a ‘bargain’ on the shelf turns out to be a mistake if it is either not as cheap as it originally seemed or not the quality product that it first appeared on closer inspection. This can also be true for septic services and why it is always sensible to research the septic company that you choose to use. Septic Preservation Services has been working in the septic industry for over 25 years in this region and has an excellent reputation for providing quality septic services. We take pride in the work that we do and ensure that all of our technicians are trained with up to date methods and have state of the art equipment. Even with a seemingly simple task as septic pumping it is always a good idea to check the company that you choose to use because keeping your septic system clean and healthy, including its bacteria, is the best way to avoid costly repairs to your septic system, be it a septic tank, cesspool or some other style system.

Septic Preservation Services helps to ensure your system remains as healthy as possible through periodic pumping and system checks. Our professionally trained staff is there to identify potential issues before they become big problems.  To prevent problems, we ensure the solids in your system are cleared out and remain at a level consistent with a healthy system. We also check and clear filters, if one is present, to be sure it doesn’t let any solids into the soil absorption system. The health of the system is also improved through addition of septic system bacteria products to your system by our professional staff. These bacteria help break down the organic solids in your tank which reduces buildup over time, reduces odors and keeps your pipes clean.

Today we are pumping a client’s septic tank in Rochester MA and also adding bacteria products. With proper maintenance these additives can ensure the success and health of your system. Today we also have septic pumping scheduled for customers in Mattapoisett, New Bedford, Fairhaven and Marion MA. If you need to have your septic tank pumped or if you have any questions about septic pumping, septic systems or septic bacteria  please do contact our office on 877-378-4279 or visit

When Cooking Your Thanksgiving Turkey Dont Pour Oil, Fats Or Grease Down The Sink

Septic Preservation Services wishes everyone a Happy Thanksgiving for tomorrow. We know our customers are also looking forward to Thanksgiving and food preparation is well underway for Thanksgiving Meals. We would like to remind our customers that it is not a good idea to put any type of cooking oil, fat or grease down the sink where it can enter your septic system. Whilst a well maintained septic system can cope with small amounts of fat, oil and grease, such as natural body oils that go into your septic system when you shower, if you regularly introduce cooking fats, oils and grease into your septic system it could result in a septic system failure if left . Just remember when you are making your beautifully juicy turkey dinner do not pour the fat, oil or grease down your sink. We have been conducting Septic Repairs in Carver, Middleboro, Halifax, Norton and Taunton MA that could have been easily avoided with a little knowledge and preventative measures. If you have a question about your septic system or you need to schedule a septic repair please contact us on 877-348-4279 or visit