We Provide Septic Education and Information In Addition To Septic Inspections And Other Septic Services

Septic Preservation Services helps many property owners who are selling their home or commercial property with septic inspections which are usually required if you have a septic system and are selling your property. We are also always willing to provide information and support to the new property owners who may not have had a septic system previously. There are definitely some dos’ and don’ts’ that apply when you own a septic system that are not generally too difficult to follow but if you don’t you might end up needing a septic repair to fix a problem that you have unknowingly created.

For example if you have just bought a new house a lot of people want to then start decorating and putting their own stamp on their new home. When you are cleaning up after decorating you must always remember to clean your brushes and paint trays in a bucket and not to dispose of that water down your drain and definitely don’t dispose of paint down your drain. We know that one of the benefits of latex paint is the ease of its cleanup with soap and water. This might cause you to think that it is okay to pour latex paint down the drain or your clean up water. This is not true. While your septic system can usually handle small amounts of latex paint, it should be avoided when possible. Septic systems use naturally occurring, living organisms to break down, digest and treat solid and liquid waste that is introduced into the septic tank. Toxic household chemicals can kill these organisms, resulting in a failure of your septic system. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) notes that while common culprits include oil-based paints, solvents and cleaning products that are labeled as poison or hazardous, even latex paint cleanup should be minimized. Latex paints may contain toxic substances, including ethylene glycol or acetate, according to the National Drinking Water Clearinghouse. So be cautious when you clean your brushes because even small amounts of latex paint may be detrimental to your septic system. Your septic system is primarily designed to break down, digest and treat organic materials. The organisms that live in your septic system typically cannot digest the solid materials present in latex paint. These solids will settle to the bottom of your septic tank, where they can result in a thick, gray putty-like material.

Here is a list of septic system dos and dont’s:

Things you should do

DO conserve water whenever possible as a means of reducing the volume of wastewater that will need to be treated and disposed.
DO make repairs to any faucets or toilets that are leaking.
DO make sure that you are only discharging biodegradable wastes into your system.
DO restrict or avoid use of your garbage disposal.
DO take the time to ensure that any down spouts or other surface water is diverted away from your drainfield.
DO keep the cover to your septic tank accessible by installing covers and risers for easier inspections and pumping.
DO get your septic tank pumped regularly and have it checked for any cracks or leaks.
DO have an effluent filter installed to prevent debris from entering your drainfield.
DO add a laundry filter to your washing machine.
DO put kitchen trash into a compost or throw it into the garbage – not down your drains.

Things you should NOT do
DON’T flush products such as tampons, sanitary napkins, condoms, disposable diapers or wipes into your system.
DON’T empty oils or other types of kitchen grease down your drain.
DON’T dump any items that can disrupt the treatment process or contaminate groundwater, such as: paints, oils, thinners, pesticides, poisons or disinfectants.
DON’T build anything over your drainfield or dig in it for any reason.
DON’T plant any landscaping over your drainfield – except grass.
DON’T drive a vehicle over your drainfield or compact the soil in ANY way.
DON’T run purification back flush into the septic tank.

Today we have septic inspections for property owners who are selling their homes and one for a new home buyer in Plymouth, Marshfield, Carver, Bourne, Halifax, Rochester and Marion MA. If you have any questions about septic inspections or septic systems please do contact our Norton office on 877-378-4279 or visit https://www.septicpreservation.com

Septic System Repairs Including a D-Box Replacement

Septic Preservation Services can provide our customers with septic system repairs on all parts of their system. Today we are replacing a d-box for a customer in Rowley MA. A septic distribution box (D-Box) is a container used to receive septic system effluent from a septic tank and to re-distribute the effluent into a network of attached drain field or leach field absorption trenches and pipes. The D-box works by gravity, flowing effluent into the drainfield (or leach field) piping network. It must be installed correctly to ensure that it distributes evenly. We are also assisting our customer with locating their leach field for easement and have the appropriate permission from their neighbour to do so. This may seem unnecessary but if a homeowner has moved into a property but was not provided with property designs or as built drawings for their property they may be unaware of the location of their septic system components. If your septic system is working correctly there should be very little evidence of the location of a leach field. However we have extensive experience with septic systems so will be able to locate a leach field when a homeowner may not be able to do so. We also have additional septic system repairs scheduled today in Boxford, Groveland, Middleton, North Reading, Peabody and Carlisle MA. If you require septic system repairs or if you have any questions about septic systems please do contact our office on 877-378-4279 or visit https://www.septicpreservation.com

septic repairs

Be Aware Of The Signs That Your System Needs Septic Pumping

Septic Preservation Services know that if you have a septic system regular maintenance is essential for it to keep working correctly. Fortunately septic pumping which is the most important maintenance for a septic system is not usually required annually (unless you have a garbage disposal). It is recommended that you have your septic system pumped every 3-5 years so if it has been a few years since you have had yours done or you can’t remember when it was done last now may be a good time to consider having your system pumped or call us so we can help you determine what would be your best course of action. Signs that your septic system is due for a pump out can include:

  • Pooling water. If it hasn’t recently rained but you are still seeing pools of liquid on your leach field this could be a sign that your system is full. When your tank reaches capacity, solid waste can clog the drain field piping system and force liquid to the surface
  • Slow drains or slow flushing toilets are an indicator that your system is reaching capacity.
  • Sewage Odors or smells in your home or yard
  • An overly healthy lawn. If your grass is much greener or lusher that than the rest of your yard over the leach field you may have a tank that needs pumping
  • Septic backup

Today we are providing septic pumping for customers in Bellingham, Blackstone, Uxbridge, Upton, Holliston, Grafton and Sutton MA. If you wish to schedule septic pumping or if you are unsure whether your system needs a pump out please do contact our Norton Office on 877-378-4279 or visit https://www.septicpreservation.com where we will be happy to help you.

Septic Preventative Maintenance Such As Septic Cleaning Keeps Your System Working

Septic Preservation Services knows that the best way to ensure that your septic system continues to operate efficiently and correctly is to make sure that you provide your system with preventative maintenance. This essentially means that if you maintain your system you will prevent repairs being necessary and prevent premature septic system failure. All septic systems need to be pumped regularly because your septic tank will eventually fill up with solids which it can not process like it can liquid effluent to safely return to the soil. If you neglect septic pumping and your septic tank does become full you will start to see, and smell, all sorts of septic problems and if left septic failure which is expensive, unpleasant and potentially dangerous to your health and the health of your family and neighbors. In addition to septic pumping septic cleaning can also be very beneficial to your septic system. Getting your tanks cleaned on a regular basis will help to improve the efficiency of your septic system and keep it running smoothly. Not all septic pumping companies will also clean your septic system. We utilize specialized miniature equipment to locate specific areas of your system, such as a sewer cam that is used to investigate the inside of your sewer lines, and jetting equipment to clean the pipes within the leach field. Today we have septic cleaning scheduled in Carver, Plymouth, Bourne, Sandwich and Marshfield MA. If you require septic cleaning or septic pumping please do contact our Norton office on 877-378-4279 or visit www.septicpreservation.com

Septic Pumping is Essential Septic System Maintenance

Septic Preservation Services know that to ensure that your septic system continues to work correctly and to increase the lifespan of your septic system it is advisable to maintain your septic system. Septic pumping is essential septic system maintenance that will remove sludge and scum from your septic tank which does not drain like effluent into your leach field system and get purified as it ‘percolates’ into your soil. Today we have septic pumping scheduled for customers in Holliston, Southborough, Grafton, Upton, Millis and Uxbridge MA. It is recommended that you have your septic tank pumped every 3 -5 years but this does depend on various factors including the size of your septic tank and the property’s water usage. Also if you have a garbage disposal you will need to have your tank pumped annually. If you are unsure if your tank needs pumping please do call our office where we will be happy to discuss your options. If you need to schedule septic pumping or if you have any septic questions please do contact our Norton, MA office on 877-378-4279 or visit https://www.septicpreservation.com

It’s May 1st Already And We Are Busy With Septic Repairs

Septic Preservation Services can’t believe that it’s May 1st already. This year seems to be flying by and our technicians are busier than ever. Unfortunately a lot of our call outs are for septic repairs for homeowners who have unknowingly caused their septic system problem. Where possible we try to educate home owners in the best way to use their septic system to try to prevent future problems while also finding the cause of the septic problem and fixing it. A few suggestions to keep your septic system working correctly are:

  • Pumping. Septic tanks generally should be pumped out every three to five years, depending on how regularly the system is used and/or how many people are using it. Regular pumping ensures that solids will not flow from the septic tank into the drainfield.
  • Use less water. Reducing the amount of wastewater entering your on-site sewage system may increase its lifespan. Excessive water use is a main cause of system failure. Use water-saving bathroom and kitchen fixtures (faucets, showers, toilets). Run and drain appliances, such as dishwashers and washing machines, one at a time. Spread laundry over the entire week and avoid partial loads. Fix all faucet and toilet leaks promptly.
  • Limit garbage disposal use. A garbage disposal adds solids and grease to your system, which could lead to drainfield failure.
  • Direct water from downspouts and roofs away from the drainfield. Additional water from these sources may prevent your drainfield from working properly.
  • Install risers for easier access. Risers from the tank lids to the soil surface make maintenance easier.
  • Don’t use septic tank additives or “miracle” system cleaners. Some of these chemicals can actually harm your system by allowing solids to flow into and clog the drainfield. The chemicals can also contaminate ground and surface water.
  • Don’t dispose of water from hot tubs into your septic system. Large volumes of water are harmful to the system, and the chlorine can destroy important bacteria in the system.
    Don’t flush solid wastes into the system. These include diapers, cigarette butts, coffee grounds, tampons, condoms, and grease.
  • Don’t put strong chemicals, such as cleaning products, down the drain. Household chemicals — such as drain cleaners, paint thinners and floor cleaners — can destroy important bacteria in your septic tank and contaminate ground and surface water. Laundry additives like bleach and fabric softener can also have a negative effect on the bacteria in your tank.
  • Don’t construct patios, carports or use landscape plastic over the drainfield. Grass is the best cover for your septic tank and drainfield. Soil compaction and paving prevent oxygen from getting into the soil. This oxygen is needed by bacteria to break down and treat sewage.
  • Don’t park cars, trucks or heavy machinery on the septic tank and drainfield areas. The weight can lead to crushed or broken pipes and soil compaction. Compacted soils cannot absorb water from the drainfield. A broken underground pipe can lead to an expensive repair.

Today we have septic repair appointments scheduled for customers in Wayland, Northborough, Hudson, Maynard, Clinton and Upton MA. If you require a septic repair or if you have any questions about septic systems please do contact our Norton Office on 877-378-4279 or visit www.septicpreservation.com

Septic Systems Are Easily Maintained With Septic Services

Septic Preservation Services know that if you have never owned a property with a septic system the unknown can be a bit daunting. However a septic system or ‘on-site sewage system’ is a pretty simple and not an uncommon way for a property to process its own waste. A typical septic system consists of a septic tank and a drainfield. All water runs out of your house from one main drainage pipe into a septic tank which is a buried, water-tight container usually made of concrete, fiberglass, or polyethylene. Its job is to hold the wastewater long enough to allow solids to settle down to the bottom which forms a sludge, while the oil and grease floats to the top as scum. Compartments in the tank and a T-shaped outlet prevent the sludge and scum from leaving the tank and traveling into the drainfield area. The liquid wastewater, or effluent, then exits the tank into the drainfield. Finally the wastewater percolates into the soil, naturally removing harmful bacteria, viruses, and nutrients. Many homes in New England have their own septic system and they are not all way out in the countryside. As more and more property has been built it has not all been connected upto town sewer so many homes that are in towns and cities have their own septic systems. If you are unsure about septic system maintenance or just don’t want to have to worry about it a good solution may be a septic service plan. Septic services are an ideal way for property owners to be totally confident that their septic system maintenance is being done without have to concern themselves about it. We maintain, check and monitor the septic system and notify our customer if we find anything that may be a problem in the future which can prevent small septic problems becoming large and expensive septic failures. Today we have septic services scheduled in Freetown, Seekonk, Swansea, Marion, Westport, New Bedford and Fall River MA. If you wish to schedule a septic service or if you have any questions about septic services please do contact our Norton office on 877-378-4279 or visit https://www.septicpreservation.com

Septic Cleaning Will Extend The ‘Life’ Of Your Septic System

Septic Preservation Services know that proper maintenance is key to ensure that your septic system operates correctly, efficiently and continues to do so. Without regular maintenance your septic system will fail and will need to be replaced much sooner than if you had regular preventative maintenance. Getting your tanks cleaned on a regular basis will help to improve the efficiency of your septic system and keep it running smoothly. Having your septic tank pumped, which must be done every 3-5 years, does not always mean that your septic system is also ‘cleaned’. Septic Preservation Services takes pride in the work that we do, utilizing specialized miniature equipment to locate specific areas of your system, such as a sewer cam that is used to investigate the inside of your sewer lines, and jetting equipment to clean the pipes within the leach field. Today we are providing septic cleaning to customers in Foxboro, Mansfield, Sharon, Wrentham, Bellingham and Stoughton MA. If you would be interested in Septic Cleaning, Septic Pumping or have any septic questions please do contact our Norton office on 877-378-4279 or visit https://www.septicpreservation.com

Leach Field Repair in Attleboro MA

Septic Preservation Services has been contacted by a customer in Attleboro MA because they are concerned that their septic system is failing. Your system is failing if one or more of the following conditions exists:

  • All of the drains from the house are slow
  • There is a persistent wet area over the leach field
  • Sewage is surfacing in the area of the septic tank or distribution box
  • There is sewage seeping through the foundation
  • The liquid level in the leach field is at the top of the crushed rock layer, the chambers or other underground structures
  • The vegetation over the leach field is greener and more lush than over adjacent areas in the yard
  • There is sewage odor in the yard at times or constantly
  • There is flow back from the leach field when the septic tank is pumped
  • The septic tank needs to be pumped frequently
  • The septic tank discharge baffle is damaged or missing
  • Rain water seems to take longer to disappear over the leach field than over adjacent areas in the yard
  • Well water is contaminated

Our client has noticed sewage smells in their yard and persistent wet areas over their leach field. Their system is a candidate for the White Knight™ Microbial Inoculator/Generator, an economical, environmentally sound and permanent alternative to leach field replacement. In nature, oxygen-using (aerobic) bacteria in the soil consume non-living organic material. This is the process nature uses to “recycle” wastes. We install the White Knight™ Microbial Inoculator/Generator in the septic tank to create an oxygen rich environment and cultivate an extensive colony of these same soil bacteria. The result is nearly complete consumption of the organic materials entering the septic tank. At the same time, the bacteria are carried into the leach field where they consume the organic material that has accumulated in the underlying soil. The leach field regains and/or maintains is capacity to deliver effluent to the soil for purification.

The White Knight™ Microbial Inoculator/Generator can be used to:

  • Protect drainfields from ever biologically failing
  • Improve the function of marginally operating drainfields
  • Restore the function of totally failed drainfields
  • Improve the quality of effluent returning to the soil and ground water
  • Reduce the amount of nitrate moving into the environment
  • Reduce the size of a leach field required for new building construction
  • Expand the size of existing structures without expanding the leach field

The White Knight™ advantage includes:

  • An installation costs thousands of dollars less than that of a replacement leach field
  • Minimal disruption to existing landscape
  • Protection of the environment
  • Significantly longer tank pumping interval
  • Conservation of natural resources
  • 100% component and limited lifetime performance warranty

We have recently installed the White Knight™ Microbial Inoculator/Generator in properties in Norton, North Attleboro, Marshfield and Blackstone MA. If you suspect that your septic system may be failing or if you have any questions about the White Knight™ Microbial Inoculator/Generator please do contact our office on 877-378-4279 or visit https://www.septicpreservation.com

Your Leach Field Is An Essential Part Of Your Septic System

Septic Preservation Services are experienced repairing all parts of your septic system. We have found that many property owners who have a septic system are aware that their system has a septic tank but are often unaware of their systems’ leach field, its purpose or its location. This makes it much more likely that they will inadvertently damage it. Although your septic system leach field (also called a drain field or absorption field) generally does not require maintenance, you should adhere to the following rules to protect and prolong its functional life:

  • Do not drive over the absorption field with cars, trucks, or heavy equipment.
  • Do not plant trees or shrubbery in the absorption field area, because the roots can get into the lines and plug them.
  • Do not cover the absorption field with hard surfaces, such as concrete or asphalt. Grass is the best cover, because it will help prevent erosion and help remove excess water.
  • Do divert surface runoff water from roofs, patios, driveways, and other areas away from the absorption field.

Today we are providing customers with leach field repairs and replacement. For one customer in Westport MA we are installing a White Knight™ Microbial Inoculator/Generator, an economical, environmentally sound and permanent alternative to leach field replacement. In nature, oxygen-using (aerobic) bacteria in the soil consume non-living organic material. This is the process nature uses to “recycle” wastes. We install the White Knight™ Microbial Inoculator/Generator in the septic tank to create an oxygen rich environment and cultivate an extensive colony of these same soil bacteria. The result is nearly complete consumption of the organic materials entering the septic tank. At the same time, the bacteria are carried into the leach field where they consume the organic material that has accumulated in the underlying soil. The leach field regains and/or maintains is capacity to deliver effluent to the soil for purification. We are also repairing leach fields for customers in Mattapoisett, Taunton and Raynham MA. If you are concerned that your septic system is not operating correctly or if you have questions about your septic system please do contact our office on 877-378-4279 or visit https://www.septicpreservation.com