Septic Preservation Services

Septic System Services by Septic Preservation Services

Septic Preservation Services Septic Preservation Services are carrying out scheduled Septic System Services for our customers in Chepachet, Smithfield, North Smithfield, Glocester, Scituate, Johnston and Cranston, RI.  Septic Preservation Services have experience and expertise with a variety of Septic Systems including the White Knight and Singulair Systems that are being serviced today. If you need an Advanced Treatment Service, FAST Service or Sand Filter Service, these are all  services that we regularly conduct for our customers. If you need to schedule a service or have questions please do contact our office at 877-374279 or visit

Septic Preservation Services

Safety Meeting at Septic Preservation Services

Septic Preservation Services Septic Preservation Services have a safety meeting this morning in their Norton, MA offices. Employees from Attleboro, Sharon, Easton, Cumberland, MA and Smithfield, Warwick and North Kingstown, RI will attend and employees in the Biddeford, Maine office will attend via conference. Septic Preservation Services makes the safety of it employees and customers a priority. We consequently have monthly safety meetings that cover many aspects of the business including safety procedures, job processes and training to ensure that when we are hired for a Septic Repair, Septic Cleaning, Title 5 Septic Inspection, Septic Pumping, Septic Functional Inspection, Septic First Maintenance Inspection, Remediation of Septic Systems, Overboard Discharge Repair, Overboard Discharge Service or any other related job we can do it professionally and safely.  Please call us at 877-378-4279 or visit with all your septic needs.

Septic Preservation Services

SPS Has Title 5 Inspections in Massachusetts Today

Septic Preservation Services Septic Preservation Services have Title 5 Septic Inspections scheduled today in Bridgewater, West Bridgewater, East Bridgewater, Middleboro, Taunton, Raynham, Middleboro and Lakeville, MA.  Septic Preservation Services are regularly referred by Realtors to their clients for Title 5 Inspections because Realtors have extensive previous experience with us and are confident in our professionalism and expertise. If you need to schedule a Title 5 Inspection please call us at 877-378-4279 or visit

Successful Year for Septic Preservation Services

Septic Preservation Services Septic Preservation Services would like to thank all of our customers, vendors and friends for a very successful year. We have conducted more Septic Inspections, Septic Installations, Septic Remediations and Septic Repairs in Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire and Rhode Island than ever before and we are looking forward to expanding upon that success in 2017.  Please call us at 877-378-4279 with all your questions or visit

All Clear Septic & Wastewater Services

Septic Preservation Services Have Septic Pumping and Installation Scheduled

Septic Preservation Services Septic Preservation Services have Septic Pumping scheduled in Attleboro, Norton, Rehoboth, Seekonk and Dighton, MA next week. You need to have your Septic System Pumped to ensure that it keeps working correctly and you do not suffer any failures. If you have any questions or need to schedule Septic Pumping please do contact our office.

 Septic Preservation Services also have a Septic System Installation scheduled for the new year in Berkley, MA.  We have extensive experience installing septic systems so we can provide advice, knowledge, equipment and engineers to ensure that your septic system is installed correctly and with minimum disruption. If you need a Septic System Installation please do contact our office at 877-378-4279 or visit

Septic Preservation Services

Septic Preservation Services Local Experts

Septic Preservation ServicesSeptic Preservation Services have Title 5 Inspections in Mattapoisett, New Bedford, Fairhaven, Acushnet and Marion, MA today.  We have extensive experience working with towns in this area and consequently can conduct efficient, prompt and professional inspections that can be arranged to suit your  schedule. If you are moving and need to arrange an Inspection please do contact our office at 877-378-4279 or visit

Septic Preservation Services

Septic Preservation Ready for Septic Pump Repairs

Septic Preservation Services Septic Preservation Services are conducting septic pump repairs today in Canton, MA.  We are regularly called out for septic pump repairs that are necessary because homeowners are not aware of what can and is introduced to their septic system. If a child, for example, flushes clothing, then it can cause a malfunction with the septic pump requiring a repair. In some instances when our technician removes, for example, a broken toy or wipes from the system the homeowner is either unaware that it can’t be flushed or doesn’t know that it has been flushed. Always consider your septic system when you use your drains and if you are unsure please do contact our office for more information. While we can and do carryout septic repairs for our customers, we are also happy to provide education to avoid these repairs in the future. Please call us at 877-378-4279 or visit

Septic Preservation Services

Septic Preservation Provides Sand Filter Services

Septic Preservation Services Septic Preservation Services have Sand Filter Services scheduled for customers in Fairhaven, Acushnet, Lakeville and Berkley, MA today.  We have experience doing services on these specific septic system filters so you can be confident that we will be professional, through, and fast, if you require your Sand Filter to be serviced. Please do contact our office to schedule your appointment or if you require any further information at 877-378-4279 or visit

Septic Preservation Services

Septic Cleaning

Septic Preservation Services Septic Preservation Services have Septic Cleaning scheduled for customers in Swansea, Westport, New Bedford and Mattapoisett, MA today.  One of these cleanings is for the grease trap of one of our commercial clients because grease traps should be inspected monthly and must be cleaned by a licensed septage hauler whenever the level of grease is 25% of the effective depth of the trap, or at least every three months, whichever is sooner. If you need to schedule a Septic Cleaning or require more information please do contact our office at 877-378-4279 or visit


All Natural Christmas Gifts

ChristmasToxic cleaners and harsh chemicals are all around us.  They can cause havoc with your septic system.  Your septic system relies on natural microorganisms to break down the effluent which flows into your septic tank.  Harsh chemicals found in many cleaners such as bleach can kill some of these naturally occurring organisms.  What’s a better solution?  You can make your own household cleaners out of natural ingredients you can find in your home.

You can make your own drain cleaners, toilet bowl cleaners, counter spray, etc. out of natural and gentle ingredients which are better for your environment as well as family  and child friendly.   At this time of year, they also make great Christmas gifts, especially when decorative bottles and containers are used.

Here are some great recipes to try:

All Purpose Cleaner


  • 2 cups white distilled vinegar
  • 2 cups water
  • 20-30 or more drops of essential oil (optional)

Suggested uses: hard surfaces like countertops and kitchen floors, windows and mirrors.

Tip: Warming in microwave until barely hot will boost cleaning power for tough jobs. Only microwave in a glass container.

Creamy Soft Scrub


  • 2 cups baking soda
  • ½ cup to 2/3 cup liquid castile soap*
  • 4 teaspoons vegetable glycerin (acts as a preservative)
  • 5 drops antibacterial essential oil such as lavender, tea tree, rosemary or any scent you prefer (optional)

Mix together and store in a sealed glass jar, shelf life of 2 years. Dry soft scrubs can be made with baking soda or salt (or combination of both) with 10-15 drops essential oil to scent.

Suggested uses: Use this creamy soft scrub on kitchen counters, stoves, bathroom sinks, etc.

Laundry Detergent


  • 1 cup soap flakes
  • 1/2 cup washing soda
  • 1/2 cup baking soda
  • 1-2 tbsp. oxygen bleach (optional for extra whitening power)

Soap flakes can be made by grating your favorite pure vegetable soap with a cheese grater. Mix ingredients together and store in a glass container. Use 1 tablespoon per load (2 for heavily soiled laundry), wash in warm or cold water

For soft water: use 1 cup soap flakes, 1/4 cup washing soda and 1/2 cup baking soda. For hard water: use 1 cup soap flakes, 1 cup washing soda, and 1 cup baking soda.

Note: This recipe can be safely used in HE washers..

Tips: Add 1/2 cup white distilled vinegar to rinse as a fabric softener. For a whitener, use hydrogen peroxide rather than bleach. Soak your dingy white clothes for 30 minutes in the washer with 1/2 cup 3% peroxide. Launder as usual.

Furniture Polish


  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 1/4 cup white distilled vinegar
  • 20-30 drops lemon essential oil

Shake well before using (2 teaspoons lemon juice may be substituted for lemon oil but then must be stored in refrigerator).

Dip a clean, dry cloth into the polish and rub wood in the direction of the grain. Use a soft brush to work the polish into corners or tight places.

Tips: To remove water spots rub well with toothpaste. To remove scratches use 1 part lemon juice and 1 part oil, rub with soft cloth.

Toilet Bowl Cleaner


Sprinkle toilet bowl with baking soda, drizzle with vinegar, let soak for at least 30 minutes and scrub with toilet brush.

Tip: Let ingredients soak for a while to make for easy scrubbing, especially on persistent stains like toilet bowl rings.

Drain Cleaner


  • ½ cup baking soda
  • ½ cup vinegar
  • 1/2cup salt

Pour baking soda down the drain and follow with vinegar. Cover and let sit for at least 30 minutes. Flush with boiling water.

Tip: Prevent your shower from clogging by using a drain trap to catch hairs.

These recipes can be found on

Septic Preservation Services is available to answer all your questions on your septic system and what you should or should not put in it.  Call them at 877-378-4279 or visit