Septic Preservation Services

Septic System Problems Repaired by Septic Preservation Services

Septic Preservation Services Septic Preservation Services has septic repairs scheduled in Bridgton, Lewiston, Gray, Freeport, North Yarmouth, North Bridgton, Harrison, and Hebron, ME.  If you have concerns that your septic system may not be working correctly, it is inadvisable to wait to have the problem looked at.  Signs that you may have a septic system problem are, muddy soil or pools of wastewater around your septic tank or soil absorption system, sewage smells around your system or inside your house, and backups when you do laundry, take showers, or flush the toilet.  Septic Preservation Services are experienced in diagnosing septic system problems and then fixing them.  If you need a septic system repair or if you have any questions please do contact our office at 877-378-4279 or visit