
voluntary septic assessments

Commercial Septic Design Provided For A Norton, Massachusetts, Property

Septic Preservation Services is providing a septic design for a commercial client in Norton, MA who is expanding their restaurant. Therefore their septic system needs to expand to accommodate the extra demand that additional customers will create. We have extensive experience working with commercial and private property owners in this region so we know the regulations and can ensure that the design is correct. We have recently designed septic systems for customers in Norton, Mansfield, Carver, Acushnet and Fall River MA. Therefore there will not be delays caused by a design that is not to code. We can also provide other septic engineering services including soil evaluations, land use planning and construction layouts for large or small commercial developments. If you need a septic design or have any questions about septic designs, our septic engineering services or septic systems please do contact our Norton office on 877 378 4279 or visit Septic Preservation Services


Septic Problems Can Be Avoided With Regular Septic Services

Septic Preservation Services has Septic Services scheduled for customers today in West Bridgewater, Taunton, Lakeville, Middleboro, Norton and Raynham MA. We service both residential and commercial septic systems for our customers so they do not need to concern themselves with their septic system. This is especially important for our commercial customers who will often lose revenue if their septic system is down. We maintain and monitor our customers’ septic systems so we can help prevent septic problems from occurring by identifying issues and rectifying them before they become a large expensive repair or by preventing them from happening them first place. We also provide septic education to our customers, when necessary, because if we notice there is a potential problem building up we can educate our customers to change their behavior which can sometimes prevent a septic problem. For example if a customer is using a lot of non septic safe detergent that can adversely affect the balance of bacteria that is necessary in your septic tank to break down your waste. If we notice that this imbalance is happening early enough a change in detergent can fix this issue and, if necessary, we can introduce an additive to repair any damage that has been done. If you would be interested in taking the hassle away from septic system ownership or want the security of knowing that your septic is being taken care of please do contact our Norton Office on 877-378-4279 or visit Septic Preservation Services

Title 5 Septic Inspections Made As Easy As Possible

Septic Preservation Services know that selling property can be a stressful process and if you have a septic system that is just one more thing that has to be organised. That is because in Massachusetts you are required to have a valid Title 5 Septic Inspection before you can transfer Title on a property. Septic inspections are generally valid for 2 years so unless you bought your property recently you will probably need to organize an inspection. For more infomation see the Mass Gov Website.

We therefore try to make the inspection process as painless as possible by arranging the inspection as suits your schedule, where at all possible. We will be punctual and professional while providing you with a thorough septic inspection. Today we have Title 5 Septic Inspections scheduled in Sharon, Foxboro, Stoughton, Canton and Bridgewater MA. If you require a Title 5 Septic Inspection or if you have any questions about septic inspections or septic systems please do contact our Norton office on 877-378-4279 or visit Septic Preservation Services

Septic Repairs To Correct Large and Small Septic Problems

Septic Preservation Services have the equipment for large and small septic repairs on residential and commercial septic systems which sometimes require excavation if the components are not easily accessible without. However if we do need to excavate to carry out a septic repair we will always ensure that we do the work safely and to all required standards. This includes contacting Dig Safe, a nonprofit organization that will notify your utility company of our plans. Your utility company (s) will then mark its underground facilities so we can be sure to safely conduct your septic repairs.  We have extensive experience investigating the cause of a septic problem and then repairing your system in the most cost effective and efficient way possible while ensuring our work is environmentally conscious. We know that most property owners will not know the cause of their septic problem so we will initially assess the condition of your septic system and we will then be able to present you with a range of options designed to correct any identified issues. These may include one or more of the following:

  • Replacement of damaged or missing baffle
  • Installation of effluent filter and service riser
  • Installation of pumping access riser and cover
  • Installation of curtain drains
  • Replacement of deteriorated components
  • Repair or replacement of damaged components
  • Removal of accumulated solids in leach field piping
  • Removal of plant and tree roots in leach field piping
  • Installation and service of the White Knight™ Microbial Inoculator/Generator
  • Diversion of water softener/conditioner backwash discharges
  • Detailed explanation of our Septic Use Guidelines

Today we have septic repairs scheduled in Berkley, Dighton, Freetown, Swansea, Rehoboth, Attleboro and Norton MA. If you suspect you need a septic repair or if you have any septic concerns or questions about your septic system please do contact our Norton office on 877 378 4279 or visit Septic Preservation Services

Septic Inspections on 4 Septic Systems In Private Estate Community

Septic Preservation Services are providing septic inspections on 4 septic systems in a prestigious private estate community today in Hingham MA. The property owners pay for a maintenance free lifestyle so we are providing the inspections as arranged by the estate management company. We provide thorough, professional and timely inspections which is why we are used by some clients again and again because they are happy with our service and choose to use us for repeat business. We have additional septic inspections scheduled today in Marshfield, Plymouth, Halifax, Scituate and Hanover MA. If you require a septic inspection or have any questions about septic inspections or septic systems please do contact our Norton office on 877-378-4279 or visit Septic Preservation Services

Septic Inspections and A Voluntary Assessment In Sharon

Septic Preservation Services have septic inspections scheduled today in Holliston, Millis, Franklin, Bellingham and Wrentham MA. The majority of our inspections are done on behalf of a client who are selling their property and are required to have an inspection done on their septic system. However we also provide septic assessments when a property is not being sold. Your Voluntary Assessment will include all of the same steps as a septic inspection however the 17-page document will NOT be sent to your local approving authority – it is for your information only. A Voluntary Assessment is a great way to find out more about your own septic system. Septic Preservation Services highly recommends this to our clients as a means of properly maintaining, upgrading and repairing your system to prolong its life. Today we are carrying out a Voluntary Septic Assessment for a customer in Sharon MA who wants to know the condition of a septic system of an old family home that had been vacant and has only recently been occupied. Ask us about additional services we can provide to ensure the proper working of your septic system and if you wish to schedule an inspection or voluntary septic assessment or if you have any questions please do contact our Norton Office on 877-378-4279 or visit Septic Preservation Services

White Knight

White Knight MIG


What is the White Knight MIG System and can it help your septic system?  Watch this video and find out.

Any Questions? Call Septic Preservation Services at 877-378-4279  or visit

We can solve all your septic problems.

Septic Inspections For Customers in Rhode Island

Septic Preservation Services provide septic inspections to property owners in Rhode Island who have a septic system and wish to know the condition of their system. They can use this information to catch septic problems before they happen and to repair their system if the inspection indicates that their septic system requires a septic repair. We also carry out septic inspections for clients who are considering buying a property with a septic system or are selling a property, either residential or commercial, with a septic system. A functional inspection is used to determine whether a system is adequate to serve the wastewater disposal needs of the household. A functional inspection is especially intended for use during a property transfer as a means to protect the consumer and identify systems in need of upgrade or repair. Your septic functional inspection provides information on the current status of the system so enables people to make informed decisions when purchasing a property. A first maintenance inspection will provide baseline information about your septic system. It will establish what type of septic system you have, if the system poses any risk to public health, if there is any risk to the environment, and determine if any immediate corrective actions should be taken. Today we have septic inspections scheduled in Cumberland, Smithfield, Lincoln, Glocester, Johnston and Scituate Rhode Island. If you require a septic inspection in Rhode Island or have any questions about septic inspections, first maintenance inspections or functional inspections please contact our office on 877-378-4279 or visit Septic Preservation Services

Septic Inspections Today In Maine

Septic Preservation Services has septic inspections scheduled today in Boothbay, West Kennebunk, Alna, Waldoboro, Owls Head, Friendship and Bremen Maine. Having an inspection on your septic system keeps you informed of the status of your septic system. A septic system will not operate indefinitely if left unmaintained and will eventually need replacement and will always require maintenance so it is advisable to know the condition of your septic. In this instance ignorance is not bliss and could lead to some unpleasant surprises so having a professional inspect your system could help prevent expensive repairs in the future if you can catch problems before they occur. If you would be interested in a septic inspection or if you have any questions about septic inspections or septic systems please do contact our office on 877-378-4279 or visit Septic Preservation Services

Septic Repairs Including a Sewage Grinder Pump Repair

Septic Preservation Services have septic repairs including a sewage grinder pump repair today in Sturbridge, Oxford, Brimfield, Brookfield, Dudley, Uxbridge and Millbury MA. As with all parts of your septic system your sewage grinder pump is an essential part of your septic system. Waste from water-using household appliances (toilets, bathtubs, washing machines, etc.) flows through your home’s pipes into the grinder pump’s holding tank. Once the wastewater inside the tank reaches a specific level, the pump will turn on, grind the waste into a fine slurry and pump it to the central sewer system or septic tank. A sewage grinder pump does what the name suggests and is not something that you want to leave inoperative because more serious breakdowns and larger repairs may then be necessary. If you require a septic repair for any part of your septic system including the septic tank, leach field or drain field, distribution box or septic pump or if you have concerns about your septic system please do contact our Norton office on 877 378 4279 or visit Septic Preservation Services where we will be happy to answer any questions you have and book an appointment if necessary.