
Happy New Year

After New Year Septic Maintenance

Happy New YearThe New Year is here and the holidays are over.  How did your septic system survive?  Holidays can put a strain on your septic system with extra guests and water usage.  Things may accidentally get flushed which shouldn’t, or food products are put down the sink such as fats and grease.  You may need to catch up on laundry or cleaning.  Now may be a good time to pump out your system if it’s been awhile since you last had it pumped.  Three to five years is a general rule of thumb but usage may dictate whether you pump more frequently.

The New Year is also a good time to think about a maintenance program.  Septic Preservation Services offers a great maintenance program.  They can answer all your questions and make sure your septic system is running properly for years to come.  Regular maintenance on your septic system can extend the life of the system and avoid costly repairs.

Call Septic Preservation Services at 877-378-4279 and find out how you can benefit from their maintenance program and their team of experts or visit for more information.


Septic Preservation Services

SPS Has Title 5 Inspections in Massachusetts Today

Septic Preservation Services Septic Preservation Services have Title 5 Septic Inspections scheduled today in Bridgewater, West Bridgewater, East Bridgewater, Middleboro, Taunton, Raynham, Middleboro and Lakeville, MA.  Septic Preservation Services are regularly referred by Realtors to their clients for Title 5 Inspections because Realtors have extensive previous experience with us and are confident in our professionalism and expertise. If you need to schedule a Title 5 Inspection please call us at 877-378-4279 or visit

Septic Preservation Services

FAST Services Scheduled Today in Massachusetts

Septic Preservation Services Septic Preservation Services have FAST Services scheduled today in Bolton, Westford, Hubbardston, Sturbridge, Spencer, Paxton,and Ayer, MA.  Septic Preservation Services have experience with a wide range of Septic Systems and with servicing them, including FAST Services.  If you need to schedule a FAST Service, please contact our office at 877-378-4279 or visit

Septic Preservation Services

Septic Preservation Services Schedules Septic Cleaning

Septic Preservation Services Septic Preservation Services have Septic Cleaning Scheduled today in Berlin, Hudson, Clinton, Marlborough, Northborough, Southborough, Maynard and Acton, MA.  It is advisable to keep your septic system maintained to ensure that it works efficiently and correctly and to extend the life of your septic system.  If you need to schedule a septic cleaning please contact our offices at 877-378-4279 or visit

Successful Year for Septic Preservation Services

Septic Preservation Services Septic Preservation Services would like to thank all of our customers, vendors and friends for a very successful year. We have conducted more Septic Inspections, Septic Installations, Septic Remediations and Septic Repairs in Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire and Rhode Island than ever before and we are looking forward to expanding upon that success in 2017.  Please call us at 877-378-4279 with all your questions or visit

Septic Preservation Services

Overboard Discharge Services by SPS

Septic Preservation Services Septic Preservation Services have overboard discharge services scheduled next week in Acton, Waterboro, Limerick and Windham, ME.  If you require an Overboard Discharge (OBD) Service or have any questions about the service please do contact our office at 877-378-4279 or visit

septic system services

Don’t Leave Your Septic System to Chance

collage-preventive-maintenanceMany homeowners may feel that septic systems basically take care of themselves if left alone.   You may be one of the lucky few that breezes through home ownership with a problem free septic system but this is generally not the “norm”.

Septic Systems need basic maintenance to keep them working properly as well as good household habits.

For the septic tank, maintenance means the periodic removal of accumulated sludge and scum, cleaning the effluent screen and inspecting the system to see that the baffles are sound and in place.  Septic systems need to be pumped every 3-5 years depending on the use.

For systems that utilize pumps, the homeowner should be reminded that pumps are mechanical, so the pump tank and pump should be regularly inspected to ensure solids are not entering the tank. Make sure the pump, electrical connections and floats are in good working order.  Pump tank should be pumped out and cleaned every 5 years to keep solids out of mechanical pump. It will last longer.

Distribution Box should be checked and pumped out when the septic tank is pumped.  This distribution box gives a good indication of the health of the leach field.  Leach fields are also part of the septic system and should be monitored.  They can become overly saturated and fail also.

Household use can have a big impact on your system.  Garbage disposals are not a good fit with a septic system and are better off being removed or used sparingly.  Water usage is important.  Spacing out washings, and dishwasher loads, fixing leaky faucets, and timed showers can all help prevent saturation in your leach field.

Being careful what goes down your drains and toilet and into the septic system can also preserve the life of your system.  Keep wipes, feminine products, and thick toilet paper out of your toilets and fats, grease, harsh chemical cleaners and bleach out of your drains and your septic system will thank you.

Septic Preservation Services has a great maintenance program to keep your septic system running smoothly.  They are the experts and can answer all your questions on household use and extending the life of your system.  Give them a call at  877-378-4279 or visit

All Clear Septic & Wastewater Services

Septic Preservation Services Have Septic Pumping and Installation Scheduled

Septic Preservation Services Septic Preservation Services have Septic Pumping scheduled in Attleboro, Norton, Rehoboth, Seekonk and Dighton, MA next week. You need to have your Septic System Pumped to ensure that it keeps working correctly and you do not suffer any failures. If you have any questions or need to schedule Septic Pumping please do contact our office.

 Septic Preservation Services also have a Septic System Installation scheduled for the new year in Berkley, MA.  We have extensive experience installing septic systems so we can provide advice, knowledge, equipment and engineers to ensure that your septic system is installed correctly and with minimum disruption. If you need a Septic System Installation please do contact our office at 877-378-4279 or visit


Happy Holidays from Septic Preservation Services

holidays Septic Preservation Services would like to say Happy Holidays to all of our customers, associates and friends. We will be available 24 hours a day for emergency septic issues but the offices will be closed next week so our staff can enjoy the holidays with their families. If you have a septic emergency please do contact us at 877-378-4279  but otherwise we will be return in the New Year.

Visit us at for more information.

Septic Preservation Services

Septic Preservation Services Local Experts

Septic Preservation ServicesSeptic Preservation Services have Title 5 Inspections in Mattapoisett, New Bedford, Fairhaven, Acushnet and Marion, MA today.  We have extensive experience working with towns in this area and consequently can conduct efficient, prompt and professional inspections that can be arranged to suit your  schedule. If you are moving and need to arrange an Inspection please do contact our office at 877-378-4279 or visit