Avoid Septic Repairs This Thanksgiving By Not Pouring Grease, Oil and Fat Down Your Sink
Septic Preservation Services are all looking forward to Thanksgiving and the great food and time with our family and friends that goes alongside this holiday. We know our customers are also looking forward to Thanksgiving and food preparation is well underway for Thanksgiving Meals. We would like to remind our customers that it is not a good idea to put any type of cooking oil, fat or grease down the sink where it can enter your septic system. Whilst a well maintained septic system can cope with small amounts of fat, oil and grease, such as natural body oils that go into your septic system when you shower, if you regularly introduce cooking fats, oils and grease into your septic system it could result in a septic system failure if left. Just remember when you are making your beautifully juicy turkey dinner do not pour the fat, oil or grease down your sink. We have been conducting septic repairs in Yarmouth, Falmouth, Mashpee, Barnstable, Chatham, Sandwich and Bourne MA that could have been easily avoided with a little knowledge and preventative measures. If you have a question about your septic system or you need to schedule a septic repair please contact us on 877 378 4279 or visit Septic Preservation Services