
Septic Preservation Services

Septic Preservation Services Advises Regular Septic Maintenance

         Septic Preservation Services   Septic Preservation Services advises our customers to service their septic system on a regular basis. Regular septic tank cleaning, and septic pumping is important to the longevity of your septic system. If you would like a septic inspection, septic cleaning, septic pumping, or free consultation concerning your septic system please call our office at 877-378-4279 or visit for more information.

Septic Preservation Services

Septic Preservation Services Offers Complete Septic Services

           Septic Preservation Services Septic Preservation Services, All Clear Septic and Wastewater Services, and Down to Earth Construction offer complete septic services including septic inspections, septic repairs, septic pumping, septic tank cleaning, and septic installations. We service the entire New England region including Plymouth, Dennis, Wareham, Marion, Hanover, Halifax, Dartmouth, Acton, Foxboro, Little Compton, Tiverton, York, Wells, and Norton.

Call us at 877-378-4279 or visit

Septic Preservation Services

Septic Preservation Services Conducting Interviews

     Septic Preservation Services          Septic Preservation Services is conducting interviews for septic inspections, septic repairs, and septic installations. If you live in the area including but not limited to Bolton, Holliston, Franklin, Hudson, Berlin, Plainville, Mansfield, Norton, Attleboro, Lakeville, and Rehoboth please call our office to set up an interview at 877-378-4279 or visit

septic system remediation

Septic Preservation Services Dedicated to Keeping Customers Informed


Septic Systems make suburban living possible.  There are many areas which are not serviced by a municipal sewage system and therefore a private septic system is the answer.  Many people who have grown up in the city and decide to make the move out to “the sticks” are not familiar at all with a private septic system.  Once homeowners realize how a septic system and its components operate, they can better understand how to keep it functioning properly.

There are many do’s and don’ts on how to maintain your septic system, whether it be what not to put down your toilet and drains, or cleaners that may be harmful to your system.

All Clear Septic and Wastewater Services is proud to offer educational videos and papers to help home owners better understand their septic systems and how to keep it functioning properly.  Visit and click on the links to view information to better help you understand your septic system as well as tips for everyday living or water usage as well as cleaning products and additives.  Click on the product link for FAQ.

Septic Preservation  Services also offers a maintenance program to help keep your septic system functioning properly as well as technicians who will answer any questions you may have.

Call 877-378-4279 to speak to a SPS professional and have all your questions answered or for an appointment for a septic evaluation. We are here to help.


Septic Preservation Services

Septic Preservation Services Schedule 6 Days Per Week

            Septic Preservation Services  Septic Preservation Services has expanded our service schedule to 6 days per week to support our customers with septic inspections, septic cleaning, septic repairs, and septic installations. Our expanded hours will include Plymouth, Rochester, Lakeville, Raynham, Taunton, Norton, Swansea, Seekonk, Bolton, Plainville, Acton, Stow, and Dartmouth.

Call us to schedule your appointment at 877-378-4279 or visit

Septic Preservation Services

Septic Preservation Services Available 24/7

           Septic Preservation Services Septic Preservation Services is available for emergency services 24/7. No matter if you are in York, ME Westerly, RI,  Dennis, MA , or Southboro, MA,  we are your septic professionals. Our professional staff specializes in septic inspections, septic repairs, septic designs, and septic installations.

You can reach us at 877-378-4279 or visit

Septic Preservation Services

Prepare Your Septic System for the Upcoming Winter

           Septic Preservation Services Septic Preservation Services like many of our customers is looking forward to a mild winter. Winters that are very cold with lots of snow can stress your septic system. The cold temperatures can freeze pipes and make access to your septic system very difficult if the ground is frozen. To avoid issues, your septic tank and pump chamber covers should be at grade and not buried. You should also service your septic tank by having your septic tank pumped and cleaned before the first frost. Snow is fun to play in but not so fun to work in. It can greatly complicate any septic service, septic pumping, or septic repairs. Additionally when it melts, it can flood your septic tank or leach field. Thought should be given when landscaping and snowplowing to locate snow away from your septic tank and leach field. Melting snow should also be diverted away from your septic system.

Please call us with any of your winter septic questions or issues and we are glad to help.  You can reach us at 877-378-4279 or visit

New England

Fall Septic Maintenance

fallFall is almost here, which means colder weather is right around the corner.   It’s  time to start thinking about getting your septic tank ready for fall. How can you prepare  your septic system for colder weather? Here are some tips.

Pump your tank. Pumping your septic tank is  one of the most important aspects of system maintenance. If you don’t pump your septic tank, solid waste will escape from the tank into the drainage system. This can cause a range of problems, including perforations in the leach lines, gravel in the trenches, and the seeping of sewage and waste in your soil.   Failing to pump tanks sufficiently is one of the leading cause of septic tank failure. In order to prevent problems, most septic tanks need to be pumped once every two or three years depending on the size of the tank and the number of people using it, and fall tends to be the ideal time to do so. Once winter comes and the snow starts to pile up, it is much more difficult for a truck to get in to pump out your tank.

Insulate your tank to prevent freezing. Once temperatures drop below freezing, it is possible for your septic tank or main line to freeze. . In order to prevent freezing in the colder months of fall and winter, you should be taking steps to properly insulate your septic tank now. Let grass grow an extra 6 inches over the entire septic tank system (this includes the septic tank, all connecting pipes, and the drain field/mound). This will help protect your septic tank from frost and snow by adding an extra layer of warmth.  It is important to note that this extra insulation will not only prevent pipes from freezing, it will also keep the bacteria that live within your septic tank functioning optimally. The metabolism of the anaerobic bacteria in your septic tank that break down solid waste materials and treats raw wastewater will slow down in the cold, meaning that they will take longer to break down and treat waste. Giving your septic tank an extra layer of insulation helps keep these bacteria warm, boosting their metabolism and keeping them running efficiently.

Check for leaks and drips. Before the weather starts to get colder, carefully check your home for leaking faucets, dripping toilets, etc. Little leaks and drips create small trickles of water flowing into pipes, and these small trickles freeze very, very easily. If left unattended for too long, something like a leaking faucet could result in a totally frozen-over pipe.

Now is a great time to call All Clear Septic and Wastewater Services.  All Clear has a great maintenance program and can check over your system before the cold weather sets in.

Call Septic Preservation Services with all your maintenance questions at 877-378-4279 or visit

Septic Preservation Services

Septic Preservation Services works throughout Maine, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island

        Septic Preservation Services Septic Preservation Services is a premium septic service provider of septic inspections, repairs, biological remediation, and installations of new septic systems. Septic Preservation Services works throughout Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island. No matter if you are in Acton, Alna, Arundel, Bath, Bowdoin, Berwick, or Buxton we can service all your needs.  Call us at 877-378-4279 or visit

septic emergencies

Preventing Septic Emergencies

summer-still-life-783347_640Summertime is here and many times means summer guests, especially if you live along the shores of Southcoast Massachusetts and Rhode Island.  Whether you a planning on hosting a party, having guests stay over or if you are just having a quiet evening at home, a septic system emergency can ruin your summer plans. The best thing you can do is prepare now and work to prevent septic emergencies before they even happen. If you have a septic system you are already aware of the do’s and don’ts of on-site wastewater responsibilities. This list of eight preventative measures will help you to take your maintenance and care knowledge to the next level, ensuring that you won’t have to pay for expensive septic emergencies in the coming winter months.

#1 – Get an Inspection Before It Gets Cold
One of the most important things you can do is to contact your septic system service and request an annual inspection before the ground freezes and cold weather sets in for the season. Septic repairs in Massachusetts and Rhode Island will be much more expensive if your technician has to dig down under the snow and into solid ground. However, if you do have a septic emergency, Septic Preservation Services works all year-round in any type of weather – rain, snow or freezing cold. You can count on All-Clear to keep your septic system working effectively and efficiently all year long.

#2 – Sign Up for Routine Pumping
As part of a good preventative maintenance program, routine pumping should also be scheduled to ensure that your septic system is properly maintained throughout the year. By scheduling your routine pumping just prior to the late fall and winter season, before it gets so cold that the ground freezes, you can ensure that your septic system will be running at its best throughout the holiday and winter seasons. Ask your All-Clear Septic & Wastewater representative about signing up for a preventative maintenance program that includes regular inspections, check-ups and routine pumping.

#3 – Reduce Your Water Usage
When you know you are expecting a lot of guests, make sure to reduce your water usage in advance of their arrival. Take showers the day before and bathe your children before they arrive. Taking shorter showers helps, but make sure to talk with your guests about limiting water use. Do laundry and dishes a few days ahead of time to reduce the amount of water usage that will occur when the guests are at your home. Better planning will reduce the amount of problems you will have with your septic system during the summer months.

#4 – Talk About Flushing
It may be difficult, but it is important to speak with your guests about the things that they flush down your toilets and drains. Routine pumping can make sure that your system is ready to handle accidents or a single-instance flushing, but the more you can educate your guests about the importance of using the trash can instead of the toilet for diapers, feminine hygiene products, cigarette butts and other potentially hazardous items. This will help prevent those items from getting into your tank and it will also prevent a blockage and potential backup from occurring.

#5 – Prepare Your Food Ahead of Time
If there is any prep work that you need to do for a big summertime meal or party, try to do it ahead of time as well. Cut veggies up that need to be washed ahead of time and store them in your refrigerator drawers in plastic zip bags. Wash and marinate the chicken and get it ready to go on the grill.   Not only will this space out your water usage before your guests get there, but it will also give you more time to spend with them when they arrive. Believe it or not, it’s the little things you do that add up to making a big difference in preventing costly  septic repairs in Massachusetts and Rhode Island.

#6 – Don’t Use the Garbage Disposal
Even if your house came with a garbage disposal already installed, you should avoid using it at all costs. All that extra waste into your septic system can wreck havoc, especially during the busy days with your summer guests.  Consider blocking the switch for the garbage disposal so you – and especially your guests – won’t be tempted to use it. Keep a small composting can on your counter – they have some very nice-looking decorative options at home improvement stores. You can put all of your vegetable peelings, coffee grounds and other items that should not go down your drain into the bin. Your guests will see you doing this and will follow suit.

#7 – Consider Using Disposable Dishes and Silverware
If you are having a lot of guests over for a dinner party or even just for cocktails and appetizers, consider using disposable dishes and silverware to reduce the amount of rinsing and washing you’ll have to do later. It’s better to have an over-loaded trash can for one week of garbage collection than to pay a lot of money for septic repairs in Massachusetts and Rhode Island.

#8 – Sign Up for a Preventative Maintenance Program
The best way to avoid costly septic repairs as a result of failure due to neglect or misuse is to sign up for a preventative maintenance program. Working with a licensed, certified professional septic system repair and inspection company can help you with routine pumping and help you to be prepared for an onslaught of guests during the hot summer months. Aside from being much more cost-effective, a preventative maintenance program gives you the peace of mind that your septic system is being properly taken care of and that a professional is on top of the situation.

Summer is already here.   Contact Septic Preservation Services to sign up for a routine pumping and ask about their preventative maintenance program. The better prepared you are during the summer, the less money you’ll have to pay for septic repairs in Massachusetts during the winter months when the ground is frozen and your yard is piled high with snow. All-Clear is available for septic inspection, maintenance and repair during every season and can help you keep your septic system running effectively and efficiently all year long.

You can reach us at 877-378-4279 or visit for more information.