
Septic Preservation Services

Septic Repairs Prevent Septic Failure

Septic Preservation Services Septic Preservation Services have septic repairs scheduled in Stratham NH, Bedford NH, Rochester NH, Acton ME, Limerick ME and Raymond, ME.  If you suspect that your septic system requires repairs or maintenance it is always inadvisable to delay, because this could lead to more costly and involved repairs later on.  Warning signs such as sewer smells in your home, slow running drains, back up in your toilets or a very green and lush leach field, are all signs that should be investigated, because it could mean that you have a septic problem, and left untreated you could have a total septic failure, which may have been avoided with a much less costly repair. If you have any questions or need to schedule an appointment please do contact our office at 877-378-4279 or visit

rainy weather

Keep a Watch on Septic During Wet Weather

wt weatherWhile you can’t control the weather, it’s always a good idea to keep an eye on your septic system during extremely rainy weather.  Drainfields are designed to handle your wastewater but during extremely wet weather, excess water can puddle over the the septic tank and keep water from flowing out into the soil.  A boggy drainfield is natural after heavy rains, but keep an eye for water receding and drying out after the rain is over.  Consistent bogginess and odor may mean septic problems. This is especially true for older systems.

What can you do?  Divert the rainwater away from your septic tank and drainfield through your gutters and drainspouts.   Checking your home for leaky toilets and faucets can keep less water out of your septic system.  Also reducing your water usage inside the home can help.  Shorten your showers and space out your laundry loads or try to put off doing laundry during the extremely wet weather.

Septic maintenance can also help.  Regularly maintaining your septic system and pumping on your tank on a regular basis can be the key to keeping your system healthy and running properly through any weather.  Septic Preservation Services offers a great maintenance program.  Call them with any questions or to get on a maintenance schedule at 877-378-4279 or visit

Septic Preservation Services

Septic System Remediation

Septic Preservation Services Septic Preservation Services can provide remediation of septic systems for our customers that need this service. We have extensive experience with septic system remediation for customers with commercial and private properties. We are providing septic system remediation this week for customers in Freetown, Plainfield, Mansfield, Oxford, Westport, Upton and Lynnfield, MA.  If you septic system needs remediation or if you have any questions please do contact our office at 877-378-4279 or visit

Septic Preservation Services

Septic Repairs Scheduled for Septic Preservation Services

Septic Preservation Services Septic Preservation Services have Septic Repairs scheduled today in North Berwick, Berwick, Lebanon, Cape Neddick, Kittery, Wells, Kennebunk, Waterboro and Alfred, ME.  Septic repairs are occasionally necessary for a septic system however some repairs can be avoided if you are aware of what you introduce into your septic system and make some commonsense changes to your habits to ensure that you aren’t adding substances that can clog or damage your septic system. For example don’t pour cooking grease, fat or oil down your sink. Don’t flush baby wipes or ‘flushable’ wipes because they may clog your system. Simple changes such as these can help prevent costly repairs and extend the life of your septic system. If you have any questions or need to arrange septic repairs please do contact our office at 877-378-4279 or visit

Septic Preservation Services preparing a new System for Installation!

Risers and Your Septic System

What are risers, and why should I have them on my septic system?

Enclosed septic system with risers used by Septic Preservation Services

Enclosed septic system used by Septic Preservation Services

Risers on a septic system are the access points through which a person servicing your septic system can see inside the tank.  In the image below you see the three tubes rising from the top of the system.  Those are the risers.  The top is generally put at ground level for easiest access.  Some systems do not have risers built into them.  When there are no risers present, anyone trying service the system will have to resort to digging holes in the yard to find the access points to the tank. In some cases it is necessary to bring in excavation equipment if the ground proves too difficult to dig by hand.

If you are given the option to add risers to your system, it would be beneficial to anyone servicing the system in the future if you made sure they are put into place before the system is covered over.  Your servicemen will thank you, especially if you call Septic Preservation Services to inspect or service your tank!

If you need an inspection, have questions or need septic services, please call Septic Preservation Services at 877-378-4279 or visit www.septic

Septic Preservation Services

Septic Inspections by Septic Preservation

Septic Preservation ServicesSeptic Preservation Services have Septic Inspections scheduled in Foster, Scituate, Glocester, Smithfield, North Smithfield, Burrillville, Lincoln and Cumberland, RI today.  If you are selling your home or a commercial property and it has a septic system, you are likely to need to have a Septic Inspection done before you can complete a sale. Please do contact our office to arrange an appointment or to answer any questions you may have at 877-378-4279 or visit

Septic Preservation Services

SPS Open Martin Luther King Jr. Day

 Septic Preservation ServicesSeptic Preservation Services are open and we have septic system services scheduled on Martin Luther King Day. We have services scheduled in Holliston, Norfolk, Medford, Southborough and Wrentham, MA.  We carry-out services for our customers on an annual, biannual and quarterly basis depending on their septic system and their needs. We can tailor a service schedule to your requirements and can certainly answer any questions you may have about your specific septic system. We are happy to provide information for your best course of maintenance and servicing for your septic system.  Please do contact our office to ask any questions or to arrange an appointment. You can reach us at 877-378-4279 or visit 


Winter and Your Septic System

winterWinter is here to stay.  Winter can cause some strain on your septic system.  With winter, comes snow.  Snow is actually a good insulator to keep  your system from freezing.  Make sure you don’t drive over your septic system.  This is especially true in winter.  Driving over your septic system can compact the snow and drive it deeper into the ground.

Normal use keeps your septic system from freezing.  Beware if you own a vacation or summer house.  With sporadic use or no use throughout the winter, there is a possibility of freezing.  Sporadic use can help keep this from happening.

Regular use and common sense can keep your septic system running smoothly throughout the winter.  Check for leaks in the plumbing so unnecessary water is not saturating the system.  Be careful of food products going down the drain as well as bleach and toxic cleaners.  Use single ply toilet paper and try not to overload the paper products in  the toilets.

When spring thaw hits. try to limit your water usage not to overload the system.  Space out your loads of wash and dishwasher cycles.  Cut back on showers and long, hot tubs. This will help the melting snow not overload your system.

Septic Preservation Services has a great maintenance program to keep your septic system running smoothly.  Call them with all your septic questions.  They can find a solution to any of your problems and answer all your questions.

You can reach them at 877-378-4279 or visit

Septic Preservation Services

Advanced Treatment Unit Services and Sand Filter Services

Septic Preservation Services Septic Preservation Services have Advanced Treatment Unit Services and Sand Filter Services scheduled today in Marshfield, Hanover, Hanson, Scituate, Hingham, Bridgewater, West Bridgewater and Plymouth, MA.  We have experience with with a large number of Septic Systems and can advise you upon the best course of action. We can schedule services at your convenience and work quickly and professionally. If your Septic System needs a service or you have questions about septic system services please do contact our office at 877-378-4279 or visit

Septic Preservation Services

Safety Meeting at Septic Preservation Services

Septic Preservation Services Septic Preservation Services have a safety meeting this morning in their Norton, MA offices. Employees from Attleboro, Sharon, Easton, Cumberland, MA and Smithfield, Warwick and North Kingstown, RI will attend and employees in the Biddeford, Maine office will attend via conference. Septic Preservation Services makes the safety of it employees and customers a priority. We consequently have monthly safety meetings that cover many aspects of the business including safety procedures, job processes and training to ensure that when we are hired for a Septic Repair, Septic Cleaning, Title 5 Septic Inspection, Septic Pumping, Septic Functional Inspection, Septic First Maintenance Inspection, Remediation of Septic Systems, Overboard Discharge Repair, Overboard Discharge Service or any other related job we can do it professionally and safely.  Please call us at 877-378-4279 or visit with all your septic needs.