
Septic Preservation Services

Septic Repairs on Short Notice

Septic Preservation Services Septic Preservation Services has septic repairs scheduled for customers in Pittston, Gardiner, Whitefield, Alna, Windsor, Richmond, Palmero, and Winthrop, Maine.  We are able to attend to our clients septic repairs on short notice from our Maine office.  Once we have assessed the condition of your septic system, we will present you with a range of options designed to correct any identified issues.  These may include one or more of the following:


  • Replacement of damaged or missing baffle
  • Installation of effluent filter and service riser
  • Installation of pumping access riser and cover
  • Installation of curtain drains
  • Replacement of deteriorated components
  • Repair or replacement of damaged components including septic pump repair
  • Removal of accumulated solids in leach field piping
  • Removal of plant and tree roots in leach field piping
  • Installation and service of the White Knight™ Microbial Inoculator/Generator
  • Diversion of water softener/conditioner backwash discharges
  • Detailed explanation of our Septic Use Guidelines

If you need a septic repair, have any questions about your septic system or have concerns that your system is not operating correctly please do contact our office at 877-378-4279 or visit

Septic Preservation Services

Septic First Maintenance Inspections in Rhode Island

Septic Preservation Services Septic Preservation Services has Septic First Maintenance Inspections today in Burrillville, Glocester, Smithfield, East Greenwich, Exeter, Richmond, and North Kingstown, RI.  The purpose of a First Maintenance Septic Inspection is to establish what type of septic system you have, if the system poses any risk to public health, if there is any risk to the environment, and determine if any immediate corrective actions should be taken.  If you need a septic first maintenance inspection, or if you have any questions please do contact our office at 877-378-4279 or visit

Septic Preservation Services

Septic First Maintenance Inspections

Septic Preservation Services Septic Preservation Services has experience working for customers in Rhode Island who need to have Septic First Maintenance Inspections carried out on their properties.  The purpose of a First Maintenance Septic Inspection is to establish what type of septic system you have, if the system poses any risk to public health, if there is any risk to the environment, and determine if any immediate corrective actions should be taken.  Today we have First Maintenance Inspections for customers in Charlestown, Narragansett, Richmond, South Kingstown, Jamestown, Exeter, and West Greenwich, RI.  If you need a septic first maintenance inspection or if you have any questions please do contact our office at 877-378-4279 or visit

Septic Preservation Services

Septic Inspections in Rhode Island Today

Septic Preservation Services Septic Preservation Services has septic inspections scheduled today in West Greenwich, Exeter, Richmond, Westerly, Charlestown, and South Kingstown, RI.  We provide septic inspections to property owners with commercial properties, single, and multi family homes.  If your property has a septic system and requires an inspection or if you have any questions please do contact our office at 877-378-4279 or visit

Septic Preservation Services

Septic First Maintenance Inspections in Rhode Island

Septic Preservation ServicesSeptic Preservation Services has Septic First Maintenance Inspections today in Burrillville, Glocester, Smithfield, East Greenwich, Exeter, Richmond, and North Kingstown, Rhode Island.   The purpose of a First Maintenance Septic Inspection is to establish what type of septic system you have, if the system poses any risk to public health, if there is any risk to the environment, and determine if any immediate corrective actions should be taken.  If you need a septic first maintenance inspection or if you have any questions please do contact our office at 877-378-4279 or visit

Septic Preservation Services

Septic Pumping Scheduled in Rhode Island Today

Septic Preservation Services Septic Preservation Services has septic pumping scheduled for customers in Richmond, Exeter, South Kingstown, Charlestown, Westerly, Narragansett. and West Greenwich, RI.  To keep your septic system working correctly you need to have your septic system pumped regularly, approximately every 3 years, but this will vary depending on factors, including the size of your tank and your water usage.  If you have a garbage disposal, your system should be pumped annually.  If you have any questions or if you need to schedule septic pumping please do contact our office at 877-378-4279 or visit

Septic Preservation Services

Septic Preservation is Expert on Septic Repairs

Septic Preservation Services Septic Preservation Services have septic repairs scheduled today in Bailey Island, Orr’s Island, Harpswell, Phippsburg, Arrowsic, Bath, Westport Island and Richmond, ME.  We have experience working on many septic systems with various problems including issues with septic pumps, leach or drain fields, D-Box and OBD.  If you have concerns that your septic system is not working correctly it is not advisable to wait to have it looked at.  Signs that your system has problems could be sewage smells in your property, toilet or drain backup, slow running drains, puddling on your leach field, and very lush or green leach field compared to the rest of your yard. s If you have questions or wish to schedule an appointment please do contact our office at 877-378-4279 or visit

Septic Preservation Services

Overboard Discharge Repairs and Services

Septic Preservation Services Septic Preservation Services has overboard discharge (OBD) repairs and services scheduled today in Alna, Whitefield, Pittston, Gardiner, Palmero, Richmond and Bowdoinham, ME.  The Maine DEP’s Overboard Discharge (OBD) Program is responsible for regulating discharges of sanitary and household wastewater generated at residential or commercial locations to streams, rivers, bays, and the ocean.  All OBDs must be approved by the DEP through a licensing process.  Septic Preservation Services is the only Statewide contractor on the OBD Service contractor list provided by the Maine Department of Environmental Protection.  For more information see  If you need more information or you need to schedule an overboard discharge (OBD) service or overboard discharge (OBD) repair, please contact our office at 877-378-4279 or visit

Septic Preservation Services

SPS Have Septic First Maintenance Inspections Today

Septic Preservation Services Septic Preservation Services have Septic First Maintenance Inspections today in South Kingstown, Charlestown, Narragansett, Jamestown, Exeter, North Kingstown, Coventry and Richmond, RI.  A First Maintenance Inspection consists of procedures that are designed to help an inspector locate the septic system components so it provides baseline information about your septic system. If you need to arrange a Septic First Maintenance Inspection please contact our office at 877-378-4279 or visit

Septic Preservation Services

Septic Preservation Services Experts in Maine

Septic Preservation Services Septic Preservation Services have Septic Inspections scheduled today in Farmington, Gardiner, Lewiston, Richmond and Lisbon Falls, ME today. We have many years of experience working in Maine and have the local knowledge to ensure that your inspection goes smoothly without the delays caused by inexperience working with an individual town and its requirements. If you need to schedule an inspection or wish to discuss this further please contact our offices at 877-378-4279 or visit


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