Septic Preservation Services

How do you keep your septic tank risers out of sight?

How do you keep your septic tank risers out of sight?

Septic Preservation Services Van on a Service Call
If you have had your septic system outfitted with the proper septic tank risers, you most likely have a cover sitting in the middle of your garden, lawn or somewhere unsightly.  Keeping these covers easily accessible is important, but that doesn’t mean you have to put a sign on them! Hiding these risers is very simple and easy, and can be done without getting in the way of someone servicing your system.

The simplest way is to just put a light fake stone or decorative item on the cover.  The key here is to keep it light, you don’t want to damage your system and the service company can pump the system as needed.  A lighthouse, light birdbath or other decorative lawn ornament is an easy way to keep that riser out of sight!

Another way is to plant small plants around it.  This will effectively camouflage the cover from most people.  Keep in mind that should anyone need to access the tank, the plants may get in the way so be sure to leave space somewhere so the septic crew can get to the tank unhindered.

Rock features or stepping stones are another great way to keep the cover out of sight.  Placing these around the cover with some light decorative item over the cover itself is a great way to hide the riser.  It also may be a way to ad a nice decorative piece to your lawn!

If you need an inspection, have questions or need septic services, please call Septic Preservation Services at 877-378-4279!
Septic Preservation Services

All-Clear Septic

What are risers, and why should I have them on my septic system?

What are risers, and why should I have them on my septic system?

Enclosed septic system with risers used by Septic Preservation Services

Enclosed septic system used by Septic Preservation Services

Risers on a septic system are the access points through which a person servicing your septic system can see inside the tank. In the image below you see the three tubes rising from the top of the system. Those are the risers. The top is generally put at ground level for easiest access. Some systems do not have risers built into them. When there are no risers present, anyone trying service the system will have to resort to digging holes in the yard to find the access points to the tank. In some cases it is necessary to bring in excavation equipment if the ground proves too difficult to dig by hand.

If you are given the option to add risers to your system, it would be beneficial to anyone servicing the system in the future if you made sure they are put into place before the system is covered over. Your servicemen will thank you, especially if you call All-Clear Septic & Wastewater Services to inspect or service your tank!


If you need an inspection, have questions or need septic services, please call All Clear Septic & Wastewater Services at 508-763-4431!

All Clear Septic & Wastewater Services - title V walkthrough

All-Clear Septic

Massachusetts Title V complete video and whitepaper now available!

You can now see a page by page overview of the entire Massachusetts Title V Septic Inspection form narrated by Al Rivet of All-Clear Septic & Wastewater Services!

Al walks you through the entire inspection form, ensuring you understand every single word!

You can view the entire library here:

here is the video:

here is the downloadable whitepaper overview link: All-Clear Septic overview of Massachusetts Title V Inspection Form

If you need an inspection, have questions or need septic services, please call All Clear Septic & Wastewater Services at 508-763-4431!

All Clear Septic & Wastewater Services - title V walkthrough

Septic Preservation Services

Anaerobic Compact Septic System by Septic Preservation Services

Septic Preservation Services

A new Anaerobic Septic System to be installed by Septic Preservation Services

Septic Preservation Services prepares a new compact septic system for installation!

This new septic system for a residential installation is small, self-contained and easy to install!

The most commonly installed unit has a very small footprint of only 8′ x 4’2″ and does not require a septic tank unless local regulations call for it.  This unit is designed to be installed in a number of situations including those with very tight space tolerances!  This medium sized unit can treat a property with up to 6 bedrooms.

Septic Preservation Services

Inside an Anaerobic Septic System by Septic Preservation Services

To the right is a peek inside the unit, showcasing not only the expected chambers for sedimentation, which you would see in a traditional septic tank, but also two anaerobic filter chambers.  The first chamber is designed for nitrate denitrification, which means it uses bacteria to convert the ammonia into nitrate, which then passes to the second chamber and is converted again into nitrite.  This process enables waste water and solids to be processed and passed to the soil absorption system or holding tank.  You can also see build in risers which make maintaining and pumping this unit a breeze!

Septic Preservation Services has the solution to any of your septic issues.  Call Us Toll Free at 877-378-4279 today so we can solve your septic problems!

All-Clear Septic

Part 4 – Al Rivet walks through Massachusetts Title V ( Title 5 ) Septic Inspection Form

Al Rivet with All Clear Septic & Wastewater Services walks through the Massachusetts Title V ( Title 5 ) Inspection Form – Part 4

Do you have questions about the Massachusetts Title V ( Title 5 ) Inspection form? Do you have a septic inspection pending? Al Rivet from All Clear Septic & Wastewater Services takes us through the 17 page document line by line, highlighting the sections which may cause confusion or need further explanation.

Al’s review continues on page 14 with his review of the various components of the septic system, and the importance of maintaining them properly. He details information required for sections including the Pump Chamber, Soil Absorption System and less commonly used items as Cesspools and Privies, or an outhouse. The Soil Absorption System is reviewed thoroughly as it can have the significant impact on the local ecology if it is put in too close to a water source.

Page 15 is a diagram of the system from above, with the nearest landmarks included. This is to enable anyone working on the system to find the portion they want to check with as few holes as possible. Al recommends adding risers to the septic tank to allow easy access without the need for heavy equipment and digging. It is also used to ensure any new construction is not placed on or near critical components of the existing septic system.

Next is an in-depth review of the inspectors assessment of nearby bodies of water, wells or other sources of usable water. This is necessary to ensure the septic system has no impact on potential drinking water sources and to prevent contamination of the local environment. The bottom of the page requires a written description of how these tests were conducted for approval reviews and to re-conduct the tests if needed in the same manner.

Finally there is a simple checklist on which the inspector validates they have completed each section.

Watch Al take you through the end of the Massachusetts Title V Inspection form below!


If you need an inspection, have questions or need septic services, please call All Clear Septic & Wastewater Services at 508-763-4431!


All Clear Septic & Wastewater Services

All-Clear Septic

Part 3 – Al Rivet walks through Massachusetts Title V ( Title 5 ) Septic Inspection Form

Al Rivet with All Clear Septic & Wastewater Services walks through the Massachusetts Title V ( Title 5 ) Inspection Form – Part 3

Do you have questions about the Massachusetts Title V ( Title 5 ) Inspection form? Do you have a septic inspection pending? Al Rivet from All Clear Septic & Wastewater Services takes us through the 17 page document line by line, highlighting the sections which may cause confusion or need further explanation.

Al continues his review on page 8 which asks for details on pumping records of the septic system. These records can be obtained from the local health department as the pumping company is required to provide the health department with information every time your system is pumped out. This is another key indicator of the health of the septic system showing if it has been taken care of properly of not. It also is required to show the system has not been pumped within the two weeks previous to the inspection, which will prevent the inspector from seeing the system under normal usage.

The next section asks for information regarding the type of system being used. Most conventional systems consist of a septic tank, distribution box and soil absorption system, but there are other systems which consist of cesspools, a shared system or some other new or innovative technology. The age of the septic is asked for as well as the current contents of the tank, how full it is and if that level is acceptable or not. Al recommends adding risers to the tank for ease of access as well as a filter to ensure the system is not clogged.

Tight tanks are discussed next, which are a septic tank without an outlet in an area where a soil absorption system is not safely usable. This may be on a beach or area with a high water table or other situation where a soil absorption area is not possible. He goes into more detail about distributions boxes and the health of a septic system based on the health of the distribution box.

View the video below to get the full review of pages 8 through 13 of the Massachusetts Title V Septic Inspection Form by Al Rivet of All Clear Septic & Wastewater Services!


If you need an inspection, have questions or need septic services, please call All Clear Septic & Wastewater Services at 508-763-4431!


All Clear Septic & Wastewater Services

All-Clear Septic

Part 2 – Al Rivet walks through Massachusetts Title V ( Title 5 ) Septic Inspection Form

Al Rivet with All Clear Septic & Wastewater Services walks through the Massachusetts Title V ( Title 5 ) Inspection Form – Part 2

Do you have questions about the Massachusetts Title V ( Title 5 ) Inspection form? Do you have a septic inspection pending? Al Rivet from All Clear Septic & Wastewater Services takes us through the 17 page document line by line, highlighting the sections which may cause confusion or need further explanation.

In part two of his overview of the form, he begins with a request that you read the form in detail, as you go along with this video if you so desire. He then goes into detail regarding the failure criteria, including one of the most common failure reasons being part of the soil absorption system below the groundwater high level. This is to ensure the system does not contaminate the local groundwater or well.

Large systems for condominiums or other businesses is the next subject, with flows between 10,000 and 15,000 gallons per day. This is mentioned to be sure the system capacity is sufficient for the water used by the business or living space. There are different criteria for the septic system which must be taken into account to pass due to size, capacity and space needed for the soil absorption system.

The top of page six begins the checklist identifying the current state of the septic system. It requires the inspector to note all aspects of the system including pumping records, plan inspections and any record of recent maintenance to the system. These pieces of information will give the inspector a better understanding of the system’s health.

The bottom of page six and all of page seven are dedicated to the current conditions under which the septic system is being used. The number of bedrooms the system was designed for compared to the actual number of bedrooms is first, and quite important. A healthy system is designed to handle at minimum the total number of bedrooms in the dwelling, if not more. If there are more bedrooms than the system was designed for there could be significant flow issues and the possibility of contaminating the ground water. Other pieces of information noted are laundry or garbage grinder usage, seasonal living and any water meter readings if they are available.

Lastly on page 7 are conditions if the system if for commercial or industrial usage, with technical information regarding the system design and usage being listed.

Watch the video below as Al Rivet walks you through this portion of the Massachusetts Title V ( Title 5 ) Septic Inspection Form!


If you need an inspection, have questions or need septic services, please call All Clear Septic & Wastewater Services at 508-763-4431!


All Clear Septic & Wastewater Services

Septic Preservation Services

Septic Preservation Services and All Clear Septic Combine Forces

Bob Silva of Septic Preservation Services and Al Rivet of All Clear Septic  combine forces and discuss their vision for the umbrella of companies. When Bob Silva of Septic Preservation Services acquired All Clear Septic, the shared goal was to be able to provide ALL services for your Septic needs. Watch as they tell you all about it!

Call Septic Preservation Services at 877-378-4279 with any of your septic system needs from inspection, engineering, installation, pumping and services!

We can and will solve your septic problems!

Septic Preservation Services offers Septic System inspection, engineering, treatment, installations, pumping, maintenance, repair and grease trap maintenance. We service your septic issues in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Maine, New Hampshire and Hawaii.


All Clear Septic & Wastewater ServicesSeptic Preservation Services