OBD Services and Repairs in Maine
Septic Preservation Services have OBD services and repairs scheduled in Arrowsic, Boothbay, Westport Island, Bremen, Friendship, West Bath and Richmond Maine. The Maine DEP’s Overboard Discharge (OBD) Program is responsible for regulating discharges of sanitary and household wastewater generated at residential or commercial locations to streams, rivers, bays, and the ocean. All OBDs must be approved by the DEP through a licensing process. DEP rule requires all mechanical OBD treatment systems to have an operating alarm system; to maintain a current service contract with a licensed service contractor; and to attach a service tag on or near the treatment system that provides the service contractor’s name and the last date of service. All mechanical systems require power, so be sure that power is supplied to the unit and that it is turned on 7 days a week during the season of use. Septic Preservation Services are the only statewide contractor on the OBD service contractor list supplied by the Maine Department of Environmental Protection. If you need to arrange OBD services or repairs please do contact our office on 877-378-4279 or visit Septic Preservation Services