
Overboard Discharge Services In Maine Today

Septic Preservation Services has Overboard Discharge Services and Repairs scheduled today in Tenants Harbor, Friendship, Bremen, Owl’s Head, Islesboro and Union ME. For more information regarding OBDs see Maine Gov

These are a few general tips that will help to extend the life of your OBD and promote high quality effluent.

  • Some household chemicals kill the microorganisms that digest the wastes in your treatment system and may pass through to the receiving waterbody. Toxic chemicals, harsh cleaners, paint, pharmaceuticals, and non-biodegradable materials should not be disposed of by dumping or pouring down the drain.
  • Using low-flow toilets and water-saving showerheads will prolong the life of your system.
  • Septic tanks should be pumped at least once every three years. Depending on how much the OBD facility is used, you may want to increase the septic pumping frequency or decrease it to once every five years if it receives very little use.
  • Trees, shrubs and woody perennials should be cleared away from system components. Sandfilter surfaces should be mowed at least once per year. If a wet spot appears on or near the sandfilter bed notify the DEP inspector.
  • Mechanical systems operate best if they are used at a consistent rate and may malfunction or produce poor quality effluent if overloaded on the weekend and “starved” during the week. Try to manage laundry, cleaning, and showers so that the load is spread out as evenly as possible. Leave a mechanical OBD operating as recommended by your service contractor at all times during the season of use.
  • Check the chlorine level at least every two weeks and keep fresh chlorine in contact with the treated wastewater. Don’t overfill the chlorinator tubes; only the bottom two or three inches of the tubes should have chlorine. Old, brown or mushy chlorine does not properly disinfect and must be replaced. Take care to remove old chlorine from your chlorinator rather than washing it out to the waterbody.
  • Ensure that the outfall pipe extends to below the low water mark of the receiving waterbody. In extenuating circumstances a specific waiver to this requirement may be granted by the Department.
  • Treated wastewater should be clear and without a strong septic or chlorine odor. If wastewater in the disinfection unit is not nearly clear, smells like rotten eggs, raw sewage, or smells strongly of chlorine, call your service contractor or notify the DEP inspector.

If you require an Overboard Discharge Service or Repair you will need to contact a certified maintenance contractor. Septic Preservation Services is the only Statewide contractor on the Maine Department of Environmental Protection Wastewater Treatment Plants certified maintenance contractors list. If you wish to make an appointment or if you have any questions about our Overboard Discharge Services please do contact our office on 877-378-4279 or visit Septic Preservation Services

Septic Repairs May Not Be A Fun Summer Spend But Can Be Essential

Septic Preservation Services know that in the summer many of us are thinking of vacations, visiting family and days at the beach or lake. These are all fun things to do in the sun and the money always seems well spent. What does not always seems like a ‘fun’ thing to spend money on is home maintenance especially when it is not seen or enjoyed, like septic repairs. However if you have a concern about your septic system it is wise to have it addressed immediately and not leave it until the summer is gone and you want to be ‘bothered’ by it. Indicators that you may have a septic problem include:

Pipe Gurgling Sounds
Toilet Flushing Issues
Slow Drains
Water Backup
Bad Odors
Greener Grass on your leach field
Patches of Standing Water

If you have noticed one or more of these signs at your property please do consider calling to discuss your concerns with our experienced technicians. Today we have septic repairs in Islesboro, Belfast, Belmont, Union, Palermo, Swanville, Maine. If you wish to schedule a septic repair or if you have septic questions or concerns please do contact us at our office on 877-378-4279 or visit

Tips To Help Extend The Life Of Your OBD

Septic Preservation Services has Overboard Discharge Services (OBD) and Repairs scheduled today in Tenants Harbor, Friendship, Bremen, Owl’s Head, Islesboro and Union ME. For more information regarding OBDs see:

These are a few general tips that will help to extend the life of your OBD and promote high quality effluent.

  • Some household chemicals kill the microorganisms that digest the wastes in your treatment system and may pass through to the receiving waterbody. Toxic chemicals, harsh cleaners, paint, pharmaceuticals, and non-biodegradable materials should not be disposed of by dumping or pouring down the drain.
  • Using low-flow toilets and water-saving showerheads will prolong the life of your system.
  • Septic tanks should be pumped at least once every three years. Depending on how much the OBD facility is used, you may want to increase the septic pumping frequency or decrease it to once every five years if it receives very little use.
  • Trees, shrubs and woody perennials should be cleared away from system components. Sand filter surfaces should be mowed at least once per year. If a wet spot appears on or near the sand filter bed notify the DEP inspector.
  • Mechanical systems operate best if they are used at a consistent rate and may malfunction or produce poor quality effluent if overloaded on the weekend and “starved” during the week. Try to manage laundry, cleaning, and showers so that the load is spread out as evenly as possible. Leave a mechanical OBD operating as recommended by your service contractor at all times during the season of use.
  • Check the chlorine level at least every two weeks and keep fresh chlorine in contact with the treated wastewater. Don’t overfill the chlorinator tubes; only the bottom two or three inches of the tubes should have chlorine. Old, brown or mushy chlorine does not properly disinfect and must be replaced. Take care to remove old chlorine from your chlorinator rather than washing it out to the waterbody.
  • Ensure that the outfall pipe extends to below the low water mark of the receiving waterbody. In extenuating circumstances a specific waiver to this requirement may be granted by the Department.
  • Treated wastewater should be clear and without a strong septic or chlorine odor. If wastewater in the disinfection unit is not nearly clear, smells like rotten eggs, raw sewage, or smells strongly of chlorine, call your service contractor or notify the DEP inspector.

If you require an Overboard Discharge Service or repair you will need to contact a certified maintenance contractor. Septic Preservation Services is the only Statewide contractor on the Maine Department of Environmental Protection Wastewater Treatment Plants certified maintenance contractors list. If you wish to make an appointment or if you have any questions please do contact our office on 877-378-4279 or visit

Septic Repairs in Maine to Prevent Unpleasant Septic Repercussions

Septic Preservation Services know that although there are many types of septic systems in use today they are all designed for each site and mostly work on the same principles. A conventional septic system consists of a septic tank, a distribution box and a drainfield, all connected by pipes, called conveyance lines. Your home’s wastewater flows into your septic tank where it is held and solids sink to the bottom and lighter scum floats to the top. The solids and scum are decomposed by bacteria and periodically pumped. The treated wastewater or effluent flows through the distribution box into your drainfield or leach field where it then slowly seeps into the subsurface soil where it is further treated and purified (secondary treatment). A properly functioning septic system does not pollute the groundwater. However a failing septic system can have many unpleasant repercussions such as:

  • cause a serious health threat to your family and neighbors,
  • degrade the environment, especially lakes, streams and groundwater,
  • reduce the value of your property,
  • be very expensive to repair,
  • and put thousands of water supply users at risk if you live in a public water supply watershed and fail to maintain your system.”

Therefore if you suspect your septic system is not operating correctly or you have concerns about your system do not put off contacting a professional. Today we have septic repair appointments in Hermon, Belmont, Belfast, Swanville, Palmero, Union and Alna ME. If you need to schedule a septic repair or if you have any questions or concerns about your septic system please do contact us on 877-378-4279 or visit

A Septic Inspection Keeps Property Owners Informed On The Status Of Their Septic System

Septic Preservation Services knows that a septic system will not operate indefinitely and may eventually need replacement and will always require maintenance so it is advisable to know the condition of your septic. Having a septic  inspection on your septic system keeps you informed of the status of your system. In this instance ignorance is not bliss and could lead to some unpleasant surprises so having a professional inspect your system could help prevent expensive repairs in the future if you can catch problems before they occur. Today we have septic inspections scheduled in Belfast, Hermon, Union, Palmero, Windsor, Oakland and Winthrop Maine. If you would be interested in a septic inspection or if you have any septic questions please do contact our office on 877-378-4279 or visit


Maine Septic Inspections Help Property Owners Ensure Their System Is Operating Correctly

Septic Preservation Services wants its customers to know that having an inspection on your septic system keeps you informed of the status of your system. A septic system will not operate indefinitely and will eventually need replacement and will always require maintenance so it is advisable to know the condition of your septic. In this instance ignorance is not bliss and could lead to some unpleasant surprises so having a professional inspect your system could help prevent expensive repairs in the future if you can catch problems before they occur. Today we have septic inspections scheduled in Union, Northport, Islesboro, Belfast, Belmont, Swanville and Waldoboro ME. If you would be interested in a septic inspection or if you have any septic questions please do contact our office on 877-378-4279 or visit



Septic Preservation Services Are Available for Your Septic Needs In Maine

Septic Preservation Services is licensed to inspect, install, repair, design and update septic systems in the following Maine cities and towns:

Bailey Island
Bar Mills
Bedford, NH
Cape Elizabeth
Cape Neddick
Kennebunk Port
Kittery Point
Lisbon Falls
North Berwick
North Bridgton
North Yarmouth
Old Orchard Beach
Orr’s Island
Owls Head
Peaks Island
Post Mills
Richmond, NH
Rochester, NH
Round Pond
Stratham, NH
Tennants Harbor
West Kennebunk
West Bath
West Kennebunk
Westport Island
West Newfield
West Paris

From our Biddeford, Maine Office our qualified technicians are available to attend to your septic needs on short notice. Today we have septic inspections and septic repairs scheduled in Belfast, Hermon, Islesboro, Palmero, Whitfield and Windsor ME. If you require septic assistance or have any questions please do contact us on   877-378-4279 or visit  and we will be happy to help.

Septic Preservation Services

Septic Repairs in Maine Today

Septic Preservation Services Septic Preservation Services has septic repairs scheduled in Winslow, Palermo, Waldoboro, Union, Owl’s Head, Alna, Islesboro, and Turner, Maine.  There are many signs that you may have a septic problem and a septic repair may be necessary. These include:



  • Issues in your Home


– Backup of sewage in your drains or toilets – this can often be a black type liquid with a disagreeable odor.

– Decreased flushing of your toilets

– Decreased drain flow from showers and sinks

– Unpleasant odors in your home


  • Issues with your Tank


Overflowing or near overflowing septic tank

High solids accumulation in the septic tank


  • Issues with the Leach-Field and Surrounding Environment


Water accumulating / wet patches in the leach field

Lush green grass throughout the year, especially if the surrounding garden is significantly different

Presence of contamination (e.g. nitrates, bacteria) in your well water is potentially a major health hazard and is a very clear indication that your septic system is not performing adequately

Accumulation of algae and aquatic weeds in adjacent lakes, ponds,and  streams is a clear indication that your septic system is not performing correctly and contaminants / nutrients are migrating from your septic system.
If you have concerns that your septic system is not working correctly and need to schedule a septic repair or if you have any questions please do contact our office at 8777-378-4279 or visit

Septic Preservation Services

Overboard Discharge Services by Septic Preservation

Septic Preservation Services Septic Preservation Services have overboard discharge services scheduled in Bremen, Friendship, Waldoboro, Alna, Owls Head, Union, and Windsor, ME today. The Maine DEP’s Overboard Discharge (OBD) Program is responsible for regulating discharges of sanitary and household wastewater generated at residential or commercial locations to streams, rivers, bays, and the ocean. All OBDs must be approved by the DEP through a licensing process.  Septic Preservation Services is the only Statewide contractor on the OBD Service contractor list provided by the Maine Department of Environmental Protection. For more information see  If you need more information or you need to schedule an overboard discharge (OBD) service or overboard discharge (OBD) repair please contact our office at 877-378-4279 or visit

Septic Preservation Services

Septic Preservation Services Hiring a New Service Technician

         Septic Preservation Services Septic Preservation Services is looking to hire a new service technician to conduct septic inspections and services. Some of the areas this individual will serve are Topsam, Turner, Union, Waldoboro, Wells, West Bath, West Paris, Windham, Windsor, and Winslow. If you would like to be part of a professional team conducting septic inspections, septic repairs, and septic services of ATUs please call us at 877-378-4279. You can also visit our website if you have questions at


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