
Septic Installation For Customer in Uxbridge MA

Septic Preservation Services has a septic installation starting today in Uxbridge, MA. This installation is for a customer who had a failed septic system and through consultation we designed a new septic system for them which would be more cost effective, environmentally sound and efficient than their old septic system. We will always find the best solution for our customers with failing septic systems which can include septic system rejuvenation, septic system repair or an entirely new septic installation. Our septic designs and septic system installations are entirely tailored to our clients’ requirements so we know that they will be satisfied with the results that we can provide. We have recently installed septic systems for customers in Sharon, Hubbardston and Boxford MA. If you have have a failing septic system or are interested in septic installation please do contact our Norton, MA office on 877-378-4279 or visit Septic Preservation Services for more information or to answer any questions that you have.


Septic Rejuvenation Rapidly Restores Septic Systems

Septic Preservation Services has a septic rejuvenation appointment today for a customer in Sturbridge MA. Septic Rejuvenation utilizes a patented technology to intermittently aerate the drainfield and surrounding soil. This method is used as an alternative to aerating the wastewater in the septic tank. It allows failed septic systems to rapidly rejuvenate, extending the lifespan of the drainfield and the septic system, while enhancing the treatment process. This technology has been applied in residential situations for both single and multi-family dwellings, as well as commercial situations, servicing hotels, laundromats, grocery stores, food processing facilities, healthcare services, marinas, restaurants and more.

Some of the benefits associated with Septic Rejuvenation include:

  • rapid restoration of proper septic system functions
  • lower costs for installation, operation and maintenance
  • enhanced removal of pathogens, nitrogen, phosphorus and B.O.D.
  • minimal damage/disruption to existing property landscape
  • long term, cost-effective solution

We also have septic repairs including a septic pump repair and d-box repair scheduled today in Oxford, Brookfield, Spencer and Ware MA. If you would be interested in Septic Rejuvenation or if you require a septic repair or have any questions about septic systems please do contact our Norton office on 877-378-4279 or visit Septic Preservation Services

Excess Water In Your Septic System Can Result In Septic Problems

Septic Preservation Services regularly attend septic problems that could have been avoided if the property owner had better information and knowledge about how to ‘live’ in a home which has its own septic system and is not on town sewer. A mistake that many septic system owners make is to put too much water into the system. The decomposition process can become strained if there is too much excess water in the system, resulting in a variety of septic problems. Ideally, septic owners should only be using a maximum of 50 gallons of water per day, per person. The following averages for common household activities can help you keep track:

Dishwasher Cycle – 7 gallons
Washing Machine – 40 gallons per load (less with front-loader machines)
Toilet – 2 gallons per flush, 1.6 gallons for newer standard toilets
Shower – 2.5 gallons per minute (a 10 minute shower = 25 gallons)

It can be difficult to stay on top of usage, particularly for large families, but laying down some basic guidelines can help everyone to work together. New environmentally-friendly appliances, toilets and shower heads can help reduce usage without a lot of extra effort. A water meter can be helpful for households that feed off of a well. The government website also has a lot of helpful ideas and tips for reducing water usage.

Always remember that a septic system is installed based upon the number of people that are anticipated to be using it. If your base number increases, you might need to upgrade to a larger system.

We are providing a septic repair for a large family with a home in Hingham MA today and the root cause of their septic problems was that they were having a large laundry day once a week instead of spreading loads out over an entire week. This strained their system too much and has resulted in a repair being necessary. We have other septic repairs today in Marshfield, Plymouth, Carver, West Bridgewater and Stoughton MA. If you require a septic repair or if you have any questions about your septic system please do contact our Norton Office on 877-378-4279 or visit Septic Preservation Services

Title 5 Septic Inspection In Sharon For First Time Home Seller

Septic Preservation Services are providing a Title 5 Septic Inspection today to a customer in Sharon MA. This homeowner is a first time seller and needs to arrange for a septic inspection to be done on their septic system before Title transfer can take place. They have sensibly chosen to have their inspection done as soon as they decided that they wanted to sell their home. This means that the inspection will be completed without causing any delay to their future sale. Also if it does happen to highlight any problems they can have them fixed and not have to worry about this causing delays and potential loss of sales. Once they have had their inspection carried out and it passes that is just one more positive for the home that their realtor can use to sell it for a good price. They do not need to be concerned about the inspection expiring because it will be valid for 2 years as stated on the Mas Gov Website. We also have other Title 5 Septic Inspection appointments scheduled today in Franklin, Foxboro, Bellingham, Blackstone and Stoughton MA. If you require a septic inspection or if you have any questions about inspections or septic systems please do contact our Norton office on 877-378-4279 or visit Septic Preservation Services

design and installation

Leach Field Repair with the Installation of a White Knight™ Microbial Inoculator/Generator

Septic Preservation Services have been contacted by a property owner in Sharon MA who has a leach field problem which has been caused by it becoming clogged with the excessive amount of organic matter that has been passed to it from their septic. We will repair their leach field without needing to replace it with the installation of a White Knight™ Microbial Inoculator/Generator.

In nature, oxygen-using (aerobic) bacteria in the soil consume non-living organic material. This is the process nature uses to “recycle” wastes. We install the White Knight™ Microbial Inoculator/Generator in the septic tank to create an oxygen rich environment and cultivate an extensive colony of these same soil bacteria.

The result is nearly complete consumption of the organic materials entering the septic tank. At the same time, the bacteria are carried into the leach field where they consume the organic material that has accumulated in the underlying soil. The leach field regains and/or maintains its capacity to deliver effluent to the soil for purification.

The White Knight™ Microbial Inoculator/Generator includes:

  • An installation costs thousands of dollars less than that of a replacement leach field
  • Minimal disruption to existing landscape
  • Protection of the environment
  • Significantly longer tank pumping interval
  • Conservation of natural resources
  • 100% component and limited lifetime performance warranty

We have other septic repairs scheduled today in Norton, Mansfield, Stoughton, Canton and Foxboro MA.

If you want to have a White Knight Septic Installation, need a septic repair or if you have any questions please do contact our Norton office on 877-378-4279 or visit Septic Preservation Services

design and installation

Septic Design and Installation

Check out this great video on septic design and installation.  Septic Preservation Services can design and install your new septic system from start to finish. We have the expertise in your town to put in your septic system according to local guidelines and requirements.  We are your local experts.  We return your yard to its previous condition including hydroseeding.

Visit with all your septic questions and to schedule a new septic system install.

When Returning To Your ‘Normal’ Routine After Summer Break Don’t Forget Your Septic Also Requires Routine Septic Pump Out

Septic Preservation Services know that for many families things are going back to ‘normal’ with children returning to school and routines and schedules getting back on track. Strangely enough your septic system also has a routine that should be followed with it needing a regular septic pump out. Septic pumping is essential septic maintenance that you should not neglect and even if you have no signs of a septic problem your system should always be pumped, usually every 3-5 years but this does vary on a variety of factors. The following good septic maintenance practices and advice will also help ensure that you don’t need additional septic repairs or maintenance as well as your expected pumping.

Septic System Do’s and Don’ts

Things you should do

  • DO get your have septic pump out as necessary and have it checked for any cracks or leaks.
  • DO conserve water whenever possible as a means of reducing the volume of wastewater that will need to be treated and disposed.
  • DO make repairs to any faucets or toilets that are leaking.
  • DO make sure that you are only discharging biodegradable wastes into your system.
  • DO restrict or avoid use of your garbage disposal.
  • DO take the time to ensure that any down spouts or other surface water is diverted away from your drainfield.
  • DO keep the cover to your septic tank accessible by installing covers and risers for easier inspections and pumping.
  • DO have an effluent filter installed to prevent debris from entering your drainfield.
  • DO add a laundry filter to your washing machine.
  • DO put kitchen trash into a compost or throw it into the garbage – not down your drains.

Things you should NOT do

  • DON’T flush products such as tampons, sanitary napkins, condoms, disposable diapers or wipes into your system.
  • DON’T empty oils or other types of kitchen grease down your drain.
  • DON’T dump any items that can disrupt the treatment process or contaminate groundwater, such as: paints, oils, thinners, pesticides, poisons or disinfectants.
  • DON’T build anything over your drainfield or dig in it for any reason.
  • DON’T plant any landscaping over your drainfield – except grass.
  • DON’T drive a vehicle over your drainfield or compact the soil in ANY way.
  • DON’T run purification back flush into the septic tank.

Following the above advice will help ensure that you do not do anything that will result in needing a septic repair however it will not stop essential septic maintenance being necessary. Today we have septic pump outs scheduled for customers in Carver, Middleboro, Sharon, Lakeville, Freetown, Taunton and Norton MA. If you wish to schedule a septic system pump out or if you have any septic maintenance or septic system questions please do contact our Norton office on 877-378-4279 or visit Septic Preservation Services

Septic System Installation To Start In Attleboro MA

Septic Preservation Services has to keep up with all state and town septic regulations to ensure that we can give our customers the best possible septic service. Today we are starting a septic system installation for a customer in Attleboro MA. Our customer had previously had a tight tank which is going to be replaced with a much more efficient and environmentally sound septic system. As stated on the MA Gov website

“Tight tanks are similar to septic tanks, except that they have no outlet and must be pumped out at regular intervals. Title 5 strongly discourages the use of tight tanks”

We have extensive experience of septic system installation and have recently completed installations in Foxboro, Mansfield, Sharon and Lakeville MA. If you require a septic installation, for any reason, or if you have any questions about our septic services or septic systems please do contact our Norton office on 877-378-4279 or visit

Septic Pumping Is Sometimes Required Annually

Septic Preservation Services have septic pumping appointments today in Berlin, Bolton, Clinton, Northborough, Sterling and Maynard MA. All septic systems must be pumped to continue to operate correctly and it is usually recommended that you have your system pumped every 3-5 years depending on a variety of factors including the size of your system and the amount of wastewater that is being processed. We are also pumping a septic system for a property in Sharon MA today that has its septic tank pumped annually. This is because they have, and use, a garbage disposal so their system must be pumped more regularly. In addition to annual pumping making their system work correctly they also don’t need to have their system inspected within two years of their transfer if they sell their home, they have a 3 year time limit. As stated in the Mas Gov website:

“An inspection up to 3 years before the time of transfer is valid if the inspection report includes records demonstrating that the system has been pumped at least once a year during that time.”

For more information see:

If you require septic pumping, septic inspection or have any questions about septic systems please do contact our office on 877-378-4279 or visit the Septic Preservation Services Website


Septic Repairs Can Often Be Avoided By Using Your System Correctly

Septic Preservation Services know that septic systems have to be used correctly for them to continue to work efficiently and function as they should. A large part of this is is just knowing what is being introduced to your septic system and making sure that anything that goes into it is appropriate and wont adversely affect your system. All wastewater makes its way to your septic system and everything that goes into your sink, toilet, washing machine and shower/bath will also get introduced into your septic system. Keep the following items out of your septic system to prevent problems:

  • paper towels
  • kitty litter
  • plastics
  • cooking oils or grease
  • disposable diapers
  • feminine hygiene products
  • any/all latex products
  • hazardous chemicals, pesticides and latex-based paints
  • water purification back flush

It is important to note, however, that each system is unique. Check with your septic system installer or manufacturer for a complete list of items that should not make their way into your system for maximum efficiency. There are also many other things that should stay out of your system and there is no way that we can list all of the items. We have found toys, dead fish, clothing and jewelry in septic systems and all of these items were causing a problem that led to us investigating the cause. Simply put if you are not sure do not put it in your wastewater. We have septic repairs scheduled today in Carver, Middleboro, Bourne, Marion and Rochester today. One of these repairs is necessary because the homeowner was unaware of the large volume of sand that was being introduced to their septic system via the washing machine and shower by their teenage children. It is wise to make sure that your entire family and visitors know that you have a septic system and there are certain, easily followed guidelines to follow to make sure you do not require a septic repair from our talented technicians. If however you do suspect that you require a septic repair or if you have any questions about septic systems please do contact our Norton office on 877-378-4279 or visit the Septic Preservation Services website.